Gibsie threw himself across the table, knocking glasses everywhere, to hug the lads.
Meanwhile, I sprang from my seat, clapping so hard I thought my hands might break. With my eyes glued to the screen, I watched as the cameras zoomed in on Johnny’s grinning face, as the men I knew he idolized surrounded him in celebration.
A single tear rolled down my cheek as I watched the boy who had saved my life on countless occasions finally reap the rewards he so justly deserved.
Boy did good…
“I need to pee,” Claire announced, jumping to her feet. “Shan, will you come with me?”
I really didn’t want to pee. I wanted to stay exactly where I was, watching Johnny’s larger-than-life smile, but I reluctantly complied, allowing my best friend to drag me through the bar and into the ladies’ bathroom. “Claire, my arm,” I choked out, tugging my hand free before she yanked it clean out of its socket. “What’s the rush?”
“Okay, don’t panic, but Bella’s in the bar,” Claire blurted out, sounding a little out of breath. Yanking the bathroom door open, she looked out and then closed it again before turning back to face me. “I wanted to tell you before you saw her and panicked. She and Cormac and a group of their friends walked in just before Johnny scored his last try. They’re over by the bar.” Blowing out a shaky breath, she rolled up the sleeves of her long-sleeved Irish jersey and narrowed her eyes. “It’s okay, though, because I’m totally down for kicking her ass. I delivered babies with Gerard this summer. Nothing scares me anymore.”
She looked me up and down then and smirked. “You look so sexy in his jersey and those tiny shorts. It’s going to drive Bella bonkers.” She grinned devilishly. “By the way, you should totally wear this exact outfit when Johnny comes home from the tour next week. He’ll pass out when he sees how big your boobs have grown.” Frowning, she added, “The pill is working wonders for your body, Shan.”
“Oh my god, Claire, stop and focus, will you?” I choked out, tucking my hair behind my ears as I tried not to panic. I hadn’t seen Bella in months—not since that day at school. Anxiety churned inside of me and I clasped my friend’s hand. “What do I do about Bella?”
“Nothing. I just told you that I’m going to kick her ass,” Claire replied simply. “I’ve got this, Shan.”
“I’m going to kick her ass,” Lizzie’s voice filled my ears as she stalked into the bathroom, looking furious. “That bitch has some nerve showing up here.”
“Don’t kick anyone’s ass,” I told my two best friends. “I’m serious, guys. I’m just going to leave.”
“No, you’re not,” Claire shot back. “You belong here. That’s your man on the telly.”
“Yeah, but there’s no point in arguing with her,” I replied. “I don’t want any more fights, guys. I’m tired of the drama. I just want a quiet life.”
“Then you might want to remind Thor of that,” Lizzie stated. “Because I think he missed the memo on fighting.”
“Oh god,” I groaned.
“MyThor?” Claire demanded.
“I guess he’s taking that promise he made to Johnny about watching out for Shan seriously.” Lizzie shrugged. “He’s out there goading the life out of the pair of them.”
“Well, she better not provoke him.” Throwing the bathroom door open, Claire stalked back to the bar just as Gibsie was getting up in Cormac’s personal space. He had a shit-eating grin on his face as he pointed to the television screen and laughed into his teammate’s face, clearly taunting him with Johnny’s success.
“And that is how it’s done,” I heard Gibsie laugh. “Come on, Ryan. Be a good sport and clap for your captain.”
“Boys,” Lizzie grumbled as we hurried after Claire. “Everything’s a pissing competition with them.”
“Yep,” I croaked out, feeling anxious.
“Get out of my face, Gibs,” Cormac warned.
Gibsie grinned like a maniac. “Make me.”
“Gerard, don’t be picking fights,” Claire said when she reached his side. “You’re on a warning, remember?” Fisting the back of his jersey in her hand, she tugged him back from Cormac. “You heard what our mothers said. If you get in any more trouble this summer, you’re not allowed to go to the festival next weekend.” Releasing his jersey, she placed her hands on her hips and glared up at him. “And you’re taking me.”
“Of course I’m taking you, Claire-Bear,” he purred, giving her a devilish grin. “I’ll take you right now, if you want.”
“I’m serious, buddy.” Grabbing his big hand in hers, Claire spun on her heel and stalked toward the door, dragging Gibsie after her. “I’m not going to be a single mother just because you can’t stop chasing trouble and getting yourself thrown in the barracks. We have babies to raise, Gerard Gibson, and a concert to go to, so you’re going to do what you’re told. Now follow me!”
“Oh fuck, I love it when you boss me around, babe,” he groaned, hurrying after her like a puppy. “Talk dirty some more to me.”
“Get out the door, Gerard,” she ordered, holding the door wide open. “Now.”
“Yes, boss.”