Page 251 of Keeping 13

“They’re not going to do this to you,” Joey snarled. “No fucking more, Shannon!”

“It wasn’t him,” Shannon choked out as she pulled at her brother’s shoulders. “Don’t—please. You’re going to get in trouble.”

“Come here,” I coaxed, pulling her away from the fight. “Stay back, Shan.”

“Stop him,” she begged, clutching my arm. “Please!”

“Okay, the party’s over,” Gibsie announced as he stepped in and dragged Joey off Cormac, giving me the side eye in the process as if to sayWTF.

I shrugged unashamedly. I wasn’t about to break up shit. They both deservedeverythingthey got and more.

“This is all my fault,” Shannon choked out, shaking violently. “I shouldn’t have called him—”

“No, it’s not,” I corrected, tucking her into my chest. “It’sherfault. Not yours.”

“Come on, baby.” Joey panted breathlessly, as he dragged his girlfriend off Bella. “Come on. She’s not worth it. You can’t be fighting in—”

“She called you a scumbag,” Aoife snarled, trying and failing to break free from her boyfriend’s hold. “I’m not having it, Joe!”

“I know, baby,” he coaxed, walking backwards with Aoife in his arms. “But I need you to be careful.”

“Everyone, follow me to the office! I’m calling your parents,” Mr. Twomey barked as he pulled out his phone and gestured for Bella and Cormac to follow him. “Allof your parents.”

“You do that,” Joey sneered, watching our principal like he was a defenseless antelope that had been separated from the pack. “Be useful for something.”

“Joe!” Aoife croaked out, slipping her hand into his. “You’re on a warning.”

“I need you to get out of here, Aoife,” Joey panted, still watching Mr. Twomey as he scampered off to the office with Bella and Cormac limping after him. “You weren’t here and you didn’t see shit.” Turning to his girlfriend, he said, “You got that?”

“What?” Aoife shook her head, eyes wide. “No, no way. I’m not leaving you—”

“Get in the car and go home, baby,” he ordered. “Now.” He glared at us. “Nobody’s going to mention you.”

“But you’re going to be—”

“I’ll be grand,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Just go, and I’ll call you when I can.”


The Office


Reeling, I sat outside the office on the wooden bench with Johnny, Hughie, and Gibsie. On the bench opposite us sat Bella and Cormac.

“Oh my god!” I couldn’t stop the tears that were dripping down my cheeks as I watched the Gardaí take my brother away in handcuffs from the school. “Please don’t take him!”

“It’s okay, Shan,” Joey called over his shoulder as they led him down the corridor. “I’ll be grand. Don’t cry.”

It wasn’tokay.

Nothingabout any of this wasokay.

My brother was being arrested and it was all my fault. “I’m sorry, Joe,” I choked out just before he was carted out the main door by the two male Gardaí. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay,” Johnny continued to whisper over and over as he kept his arm around me. “It’s going to be fine, Shan.”

“I’m such a fuckup,” I choked out, crying hard and ugly. “He’s going to be in so much trouble.”