“Well, someone fucking did something!” Joey roared before lunging for me once more.
This time it was Gibsie who intercepted Joey from behind. “Howdy, buddy,” he said in a friendly tone as he wrapped his arms around Joey and dragged him away from me. “I see we’re in the old front-to-back position again.”
“Get the fuck off me, Gussie,” Joey snapped, wrestling against his hold.
“It’s Gibsie,” he replied calmly. “And no can do. You can’t be going around hitting my center, Joey. He’s got some important business to attend to this Saturday, and it would be terribly irresponsible of me to let you go right now.”
“Joey!” a female voice called out above the noise of the crowd. Seconds later, a blond appeared in my line of vision, moving straight for Joey. His girlfriend, I noted.Aoife.“What are you doing, Joe?” she puffed out, stepping in front of him. “I thought we said no fighting.” Catching ahold of his face, she forced him to look at her. “Ask questions first, remember?”
“I forgot, baby,” he muttered, sagging enough that Gibsie released him and took a step back.
“What the hell is happening?” I demanded, feeling a mixture of fury and panic shoot through me.
“Shannon called me,” Joey snarled, shaking with temper. “Someone in this stuck-up school did something to her.”
“Didsomething to her?” I gaped at him in confusion. “What?” Something happened to Shannon? “What did they do to her?” What the hell? “I was just with her at lunch,” I added, feeling a swell of rage build up inside of my body. “What the fuck is going on, Joey?”
“I don’t know!” Running a hand through his blond hair, he released a growl and glared at the crowd. “But when I find out which one of you privileged pricks hurt my sister, I’ll do time for ye!”
“What’s going on here?” The familiar voice of Mr. Twomey cut through the air, and the crowd around us quickly dispersed until it was just the five of us and Mr. Twomey remaining in the car park with cars buzzing past, honking loudly.
“Johnny,” the principal said with a sigh when he noticed me in the middle of what was going on—nothing new there. His gaze flicked to Joey and Aoife and his eyes narrowed. “Are you two aware that you are not permitted on school property if you are not enrolled here?”
“Fuck you,” Joey shot back, causing Aoife to groan.
“Joe!” she hissed, placing a hand on his chest. “He’s their principal.”
“So?” Joey shrugged, unaffected. “He’s not mine.” Narrowing his eyes on Mr. Twomey, he spat out, “I’m here to pick up my sister since your piece-of-shit school can’t control its students and keep her safe.”
Mr. Twomey’s brow furrowed. “And your sister is?”
“Shannon Lynch.” Mr. Twomey paled and Joey went for the jugular like he could smell fresh blood. “Yeah, that’s right,” he sneered. “You know who I’m talking about. You made all sorts of promises to her, didn’t ya? About keeping your students safe? What a fucking joke you are!”
“I beg your pardon,” Mr. Twomey choked out. “I have no idea what you’re talking—”
“Hi, Joe,” a small voice said and we all swung around to find Shannon walking toward us.
Her hair was drenched and clothes stained with food. Her face was red and blotchy, like she’d scrubbed herself raw, but when I looked harder I could see scratches andwords? Her gaze flicked to me and her expression caved. Tears pooled in her eyes as she sniffled. “H-hi, Johnny.”
“What the actual fuck?” I demanded, stalking toward her. “What happened to your face, Shannon?”
She shook her head and practically collapsed against me when I reached her. “I want to go home,” she sobbed, shaking violently. “I just want to go.”
“It’s okay… Shh, just calm down.” Cupping her face in my hands, I squinted my eyes and tried to make out the lipstick marks on her face.
Kav’s slut?
“Who did this to you?” Joey demanded, shoving me out of the way—or at least he attempted to. It didn’t work out so well for him because I didn’t move an inch. “Shan, what happened?”
“Was it her?” I asked, shaking just as much as she was now. “What am I saying? Of course it washer.”
“Who?” Mr. Twomey choked out. “Who did this to you, Shannon?”
“Bella fucking Wilkinson,” Gibsie sneered. “Who else?”
“I want her out of this school,” I snarled, swinging around to glare at him. “She can’t get away with this. You know what Shannon is going through. She’s supposed to besafeat school!”