“Wait, wait—” I held a hand up, feeling all confused. “They were supposed to be with Nanny today.”
“That’sit,” Johnny agreed, springing off the bed. “That’s what they said, but your ma was in bed, Shan, and they were all on their own.” Pacing resumed, he continued to explain, hands flying around as he moved. “I was on the phone with you, and then I saw the baby in the window and he was just looking right at me, and I couldn’t fucking walk away. He’s so small, and he’s got these big puppy eyes. So Itookhim, and then I took the other ones for good measure—the big one has a serious attitude problem, by the way. Anyway, I took them to McDonald’s and the playground—and I’m pretty sure I overfed them—but then Gibsie said it looked like I was a pedophile and I got all freaked out about that, so I brought them home and gave them to my ma.” He blew out a ragged breath, expression guilty. “Are you mad at me?”
“That’s a lot of information to process, Johnny,” I mumbled, pressing my fingers to my temples.
“I know,” he groaned, running his hands through his hair. “Ugh.”
“Are you in trouble?”
He paused to frown at me. “Huh?”
“Are you in trouble?” I repeated, panicking. “You’re sure she doesn’t know you took them?”
“No, I’m not in trouble,” he replied, watching me warily. “Joey said they won’t say a word about it.”
“Oh, thank god,” I choked out, clutching my chest.
“You’re not mad at me?” he asked in a cautious tone, edging closer.
“No, I’m not mad.” I knew I should take a moment to consider everything he had just told me, or demand to know why my brothers hadn’t gone with Nanny, or why my mother was in bed when she was supposed to be watching them, but I honestly couldn’t concentrate on anything other than the fire in my pants. “But I really need your help.”
Concern flickered in his eyes. “Shite, Shan, what’s up?”
“I’m going to have to show you,” I choked out, flustered, as I kicked off my runners and unbuttoned my jeans.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa—stop,” Johnny warned, holding a hand out. “What are you doing?”
I didn’t stop.
Dragging in a humiliated breath, I shoved my jeans down and cried out, “Save me.”
“What thefuckdid you do to yourself?” Johnny choked out, eyes wide.
“I shaved,” I choked out.
He gaped at me. “Everything?”
“Everything,” I sobbed, flailing my hands aimlessly. “There was bloodeverywhere!”
“Therewas?” Johnny croaked out, looking horrified. “Jesus Christ.”
“Am I having some sort of sensitive skin reaction?” I asked, kicking out of my jeans, in full panic mode. “There’s a lot of nicks, Johnny.” I glanced down and whimpered. “Help me.”
“Baby.” He held his hands up. “I have a dick. I am clueless right now.”
“But it’s bad, right?” I asked, feeling anxious. “It’s really bad? It shouldn’t look like that, should it? It’s burning—like I’m onfire.”
“I don’t know,” he shot back, voice rising several octaves. “How am I supposed to know?”
“Because you’ve seen more of them than I have,” I cried. “So just tell me straight, Johnny. Is it bad?”
“Ah, no. Not really. I mean, it’s…” Johnny frowned and rubbed his jaw with his hand. “It’s notthatbad.”
“Don’t lie to me,” I warned him.
“Let me get a better look at what we’re dealing with here—” I watched in horror as Johnny crouched down toget a better lookbefore straightening back to his full height and shaking his head. “Yeah, Shan, it’s pretty bad.”
“I told you it was!” I wailed, slipping my underwear back into place and groaning loudly when the friction made it worse. “I’m never listening to Claire Biggs again,” I added. “Stupid pound shop razors.”