Page 217 of Keeping 13

“You stole herchildren?” Mam choked out, paling.

“Yep, so you might want to call your husband and see if he’s familiar with child abduction cases,” Gibsie replied for me. “And full disclaimer here: For once, this wasnotmy idea.”

“This is Sean,” I said, eyeballing my mother. Keeping my voice soft and gentle, I crouched down beside him and spoke directly to him. “Sean, this is my mammy. Her name’s Edel.”

Sean stared up at my mother, shoving his entire fist into his mouth this time.

“He likes to eat his hand,” Gibsie offered, like that was important information. “But Johnny reckons it’s okay.” Shrugging, he added, “Don’t know much about kids myself. All I have at home is a cat.”

“Gerard, go down to the office and get my husband for me,” Mam whispered. “Hurry now, love.”

“Will do,” Gibsie replied, before racing down the hallway toward my father’s home office.

“Now.” Crouching down in front of Sean, Mam smiled brightly. “Hello, Sean, love, how are you?”

Sean watched her carefully, not making a sound.

“Does he speak?” Mam asked gently, casting a quick glance to me.

I shook my head. “Don’t think so.”

“Johnny?” another small voice called out. “Can I feed your dogs?”

“Yeah, do you have a lead so I can take Sookie for a walk?”

Seconds later, Ollie and Tadhg came barreling into the kitchen, bright-eyed and rosy-cheeked. The minute they locked eyes on my mother, they stiffened and bunched together.

“Lads, this is my ma,” I explained. “Edel.”

“Hello, boys,” Mam said softly, smiling warmly at the brothers.

“Ma, these are Shannon’s brothers Ollie and Tadhg.” I made the introductions from where I was still crouched next to Sean, who was squeezing my hand tightly in his. “It’s okay, buddy,” I whispered in his ear. “You’re safe.”

“Hi, Dellie,” Ollie said shyly.

“God, Ollie, he said her name is Edel,” Tadhg grumbled. “Not Dellie.”

“That’s okay.” Mam chuckled, rising up. “My god, you’re the spitting image of your brother,” she added, smiling at Tadhg.

Tadhg watched her carefully. “Which brother?”

“Joey,” Mam replied.

His eyes widened. “You know Joey?”

Mam nodded. “I do. He’s a lovely boy.”

Tadhg frowned. “Are you sure you knowJoey?”

Mam chuckled again. “So, you like Sookie?”

The hardness in his eyes softened. “She’s okay.”

“Her voice is funny, too,” Ollie announced. “Isn’t it, Tadhg? Her voice is stranger than Johnny’s.”

“She’s fromDublin,” Tadhg groaned, looking embarrassed. “God, Ollie.”

“And what about you, Ollie?” Mam turned her smile on the middle one. “Do you like Bonnie and Cupcake?”