Page 206 of Keeping 13

“Yes, you are.”

“No, I’m not doing it,” he told her. “I’m not, Claire. Not this time.”

Tapping her foot, she pouted up at him.

“Don’t give me that look,” Gibsie warned her. “It’s not working this time. It’s my turn to pick.”

“What aboutSin City?” I offered.

“No,” they both barked in unison.

“We’re seeingHouse of Wax.”

“No, we’re not!”

“Yes, we are.”

“Anyone want to ask what me and Shannon want to watch?” I asked.

“No,” they both barked again.

Shannon chuckled into my side. “They’re so funny.”

“Claire, it’s my turn,” Gibsie hissed. “You’ve picked for the last ten fucking years!”

“No, I haven’t,” she countered. “You made me go see thePokémonmovie.”

“Because you made me watchThe Spice Girlsmovie!” Gibsie shot back, looking appalled. “Do you know how much shit I got off the lads for that? Huh?”

“Okay,” Claire coaxed. “Just let me pick tonight and I swear you can choose next time.”

Gibsie’s eyes bulged. “That’s what you saidlasttime.”

She rolled her eyes. “I didn’t mean it last time.”

“No,” Gibsie growled, standing firm. “We’re watching my film tonight, Claire. Mine.Me. WhatIpick.” He pointed a finger at her. “And you’re going tolikeit!”

“Fine,” she huffed.

“No, no, no,” Gibsie growled, frustrated. “Don’t say ‘fine.’ That’s a dangerous word when it comes out of your mouth.”

“I said it’s fine, Gerard,” Claire said flatly. “Pick the film. I don’t care.”

“You’re lying,” he accused. “It’s not fine and you’re going to make me suffer.”

“Do what you want, Gerard.”

“Stop mind-fucking me!”


“Don’t say that.”


“Fine!” He threw his hands up in the air. “Fucking fine. You win.” Turning to the man sitting behind the counter, he said, “Two tickets forThe Wedding Dateplease, and a container for her to store my balls in.” Sighing wearily, he gestured over his shoulder to me. “And that poor bastard behind me will have the same.”

“Yay!” Claire squealed happily and wrapped her arms around his waist. “You’re going to love it.”