I shrugged, feeling guilty for what I had insinuated but unwilling to back down.
Darren laughed humorlessly. “You know what? Do whatever you want. Go out and get yourself pregnant for all I care. I’m done trying to smooth things over with you and the boys. In fact, I don’t know why I fucking bothered in the first place.”
I remained silent as he stalked past me and thundered down the staircase, and it wasn’t until the sound of the front door slamming filled my ears that I exhaled the breath I had been holding in.
Furious with myself and life in general, I continued to bag up the old toys, clothes, and general brick-a-brac from the attic until the landing floor was cleared. I neatly piled all of the bags at the top of the stairs and then I did something that surprised me. I walked into my bedroom, grabbed my coat off the back of the door, and shrugged it on.
Clambering down the staircase with my heart in my mouth, I hurried through the hallway, falling over strewn toys and bits of Lego on my way. I was suffocating in this house. I was drowning in my own life. I needed to get out. I needed something. I just needed…to open the door.
Flinging the front door open, I barreled outside. Not stopping, I broke into a run, pushing my body to its limits, whizzing past the familiar line of houses, then taking a sharp turn to the right and legging it down the dark lane. With no destination in mind, I pulled the hood of my coat up and kept going, desperately seeking that addictive taste of freedom I longed for with each passing day.
* * *
Three hours and a spare change of dry clothes later, I was curled up on Claire’s bed with a mug of hot chocolate balanced between my hands, and the end credits ofDirty Dancingplaying on her television.
“I love him,” Claire sigh-swooned from her perch beside me. “I swear, I will never get over that man for as long as I live.”
“I thought you loved Johnny Depp,” Lizzie quipped from where she was lounging at the foot of the bed, flicking through a magazine. “Make your mind up, girl.”
“I love them both.” Claire sighed. “But Patrick was my first love, and you know how the sweet flame of first love burns forever.”
Lizzie rolled her eyes to the heavens, looking thoroughly unimpressed. “I don’t know how we’ve made it through eleven years of friendship.”
“I missed this.” I sighed in contentment and took a sip from my mug. “I missed you guys.”
“We missed you, too,” Lizzie replied. “I had to suffer the adventures of Thor and his cat on my own the last time I came over.”
“Leave Gerard alone,” Claire grumbled. “So he likes his cat. Big deal.”
“Hewalkshis cat.” Lizzie rolled onto her side to gape at Claire. “With a glittery, jewel-encrusted collar and lead.” Narrowing her eyes, she said, “Please don’t tell me you think that’s normal.”
Claire shrugged. “I think it’s cute.”
“Of course you do—you think everything that big eejit does is cute,” she shot back with a shake of her head. “What about you, Shan? What do you make ofGerard?”
“I, uh…” I looked at both girls before grinning sheepishly. “I think he’s great.” I laughed. “I like his cat, too.”
Claire beamed and Lizzie groaned.
“Shannon has to like him,” Lizzie muttered. “He’s herboyfriend’sother half. Speaking of which, how is Captain Fantastic?”
“He’s good,” I replied, blushing beet red.
“He’s good,” both girls chimed in mockingly.
“Oh my god!” Claire squeaked. “I just thought of something.” Springing to her feet, she padded over to the television and switched it off before swinging around to face us. “I love twoJohnnysand Shannon loves another one!” Shimmying around with excitement, her eyes danced with mischief as she said, “If that’s not fate, then I don’t know what is.”
“You know what, Claire?” Lizzie mused. “I take back everything I have ever said about you and Thor being a bad idea. I think you should totally go for it with him. You’re a match made in heaven.”
“I know, right?” Claire shot back with a smirk.
“Ugh.” Shuddering, Lizzie flicked another page of her magazine. “I can only imagine the children that would be created from that union—curly-blond unicorn-babies.”
“I do love unicorns,” Claire offered.
“Uh-huh,” Lizzie drawled. “See, you’re halfway there already.”
“How do you know if you’re going to have an or…” I let my words trail off as I took in the sight of both girls gaping at me. “Uh, never mind.”