“I was thinking Kilkenny,” he explained, tone light and full of humor. “But we could do Killarney if you prefer to stay closer to home.”
“The fuck are you talking about?”
“Well, funny you should ask that.” Grinning, he settled down on my bed and began to spur more shite at me than I could take in. “You’re engaged, or maybe you’re betrothed. I’m not sure of the terminology—although, according to you, you’re already married.”
I stared blankly back at him. “Come again?”
“Ah, lad.” He threw his head back and laughed. “You really don’t remember?”
“Look at me.” Dropping my fork on the plate, I pointed to my face. “Does this look like the face of a person who knows what’s going on?”
My response only caused him to laugh harder. “I love it.” He grinned, thoroughly enjoying my discomfort. “The wait was worth it. This is the best day.”
“Explain, Gibs,” I snapped, flustered. “Now—before I stick you with one of these bleeding needles in my arm.”
“Shannon.” He snickered. “Came with me to see you Friday night.”
“Yeah, I know,” I growled, rubbing my forehead. “I remember that much.”
“And do you remember the conversation you had with her?” he countered, eyes dancing with mischief. “With anyone who would look at you?”
“No,” I bit out. “Everything from that night is a haze.” I could only remember small parts of Saturday morning. Parts where I acted like a complete tool toward Shannon. I let my pride get the better of me and sent her away. After that, I’d lost my shit and panicked, demanded to be taken home. My pain had been so severe that I’d been given enough meds to knock me out. “What did I do?”
“It’s not what you did,” he scoffed. “It’s what yousaid.”
“Gibs, I swear to Christ, if you don’t tell me what’s going on—”
“Lad, you told her you were in love with her.” He guffawed, slapping his hand against his thigh. “Right before you asked her to have your babies.”
My eyes widened. “No!”
His grin deepened. “Yes!”
“Jesus Christ, Gibs,” I hissed, voice rising higher than normal. “Why didn’t youstopme?”
“Because it was brilliant.” Laughing, he added, “I thought you were going to make her sign something, you were so fucking adamant about it.”
I dropped my head in my hands. “What the fuck is wrong with me?”
“No clue,” Gibs chuckled. “But if I had to put money on it, I’d say you were speaking your true feelings.”
“What are youtalkingabout?” I gaped at him, appalled. “I don’t want any bleeding babies.”
Gibsie winked. “Could’ve fooled me.”
“Stop it,” I grumbled, suppressing a shudder. “You know I don’t.”
“You begged her.”
My mouth fell open. “I didn’t.”
“Shannon, please have my babies!” he mimicked. “I’m begging you, Shannon. Grow my spawn and touch my dick—”
“Stop,” I begged. “Please. Don’t tell me anything else.”
“You told the nurse she was your wife,” he added salt to my wounds by saying. “You told your mother all about how nice Shannon’s tits were and how you couldn’t wait to fu—”
“Oh, Jesus,” I choked out, cutting him off before he could ruin my life even further. “That’s why she’s avoiding me, isn’t it?” I demanded, horrified. “She probably thinks I’m going to try and fucking impregnate her the first chance I get.”