Page 132 of Keeping 13

“Christ.” His hands roamed all over my body. “You feel so good.” His hand slipped under the hem of my shirt, fingers grazing my side. “Taste so fucking perfect.”

His hands were everywhere: on my legs, on my hips, in my hair. He touched me everywhereexceptwhere I needed him to, and that only seemed to make me more frantic—more desperate forhim.

I was behaving like a deranged maniac but I just couldn’t contain myself a second longer. I could feel the aching want I had for him deep in my bones, driving me on, encouraging me to push for more. Heat pooled inside of me, a deep, unsettling, throbbing ache.

His tongue and fingers only seemed to intensify that throbbing sensation until I was literallypulsingdown there. My heart was beating at a hundred miles an hour, the passion and driving need making my movements reckless and clumsy as my body instinctively chased after an unfamiliar feeling that only his body could provide.

I was a virgin, but that didn’t mean I was clueless about sex. I’d read enough books, watched enough movies, and listened to enough stories to know all about the male body and orgasms. And even though I’d never felt one before, I was well aware that the tingling jolts of pleasure rippling through me every time Johnny thrust his hips against me were a small promise of pleasure.

Oh my god, I might come.The sudden thought sparked to life inside of my mind, causing me to moan into his mouth and buck my hips in encouragement.I think he’s going to make me come.

Reveling in the feeling of being pinned beneath him, and clouded by lust, I slipped a hand between our bodies and touched the front of his school trousers, shivering when my hand came into contact with his erection.

“Don’t, baby,” Johnny groaned into my mouth, pulling my hand away and pinning it above my head. “Or I’ll lose it.”

“Are you sore?” I asked, panting against his lips. “Does it hurt?”

“You’re killing me, Shan,” Johnny groaned and buried his face in my neck. “Fuck, baby.” Nipping and suckling my flesh, he kissed a trail from my collarbone to my lips before thrusting his tongue into my mouth once more.

I couldn’t take it.

I honestly couldn’t.

Desperate for more, I slid my hands under his school shirt and clawed at the taut, rippling skin beneath. My fingers on his stomach did something to Johnny, because he pressed me deeper into the mattress, moving harder against me. The hand he was using to pin mine traveled to my leg.

Cupping the fleshy part of my thigh, he hitched my leg up higher and rocked his hips into me. His fingers dug into my skin so hard that I felt my tights rip, but I didn’t care. He could rip them to shreds and I wouldn’t stop him. Moving higher, I felt his fingertips trace the edge of my knickers. He hesitated and I felt like crying. Frustrated, I hooked my fingers into his waistband and tugged hard. That was all the encouragement he needed; his hand slipped behind me to palm my ass, squeezing and pulling me closer to him as he continued to rub against me.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew it was entirely inappropriate to be rolling around on my best friend’s bed with my boyfriend, but my brain could only hone in on the wordboyfriend. Everything else was inconsequential in this moment because Johnny was my boyfriend, and my boyfriend had me on my back, making my body shake and tremble. It was the only male touch I’d ever welcomed. He was big and masculine and was using all of his strength to make me feelgood.

In this moment, I didn’t care about my family or my bullies, I didn’t fear the unknown and I wasn’t worrying. All I could think about was the desperate need I had inside to justlinkwith him in every way possible.

The sound of foil crackling broke through my lust-filled thoughts, and I jerked when something sharp stabbed my thigh. “What’s that?” I asked, sounding breathless as I tore my lips from his. I rolled my hips and felt the sting again. “Ouch.”

“Are you okay?” Concern flickered in Johnny’s eyes, drowning out the desire, and he quickly pulled back to kneel between my legs. “Shit, did I hurt you?”

“No, it wasn’t you—” Patting the mattress, my hand stumbled on several sharp-edged packets. “It was this,” I murmured, raising one of the little square packets up for inspection. My body flooded with heat when I registered what I was holding. “Uh, these must have fallen out of your pocket,” I mumbled, glancing down at the pile of condoms on either side of my waist. “Theymust have fallen out of your pocket,” I corrected, counting sixteen condoms—seventeen including the one I was holding.

Johnny stared down at the condom in my hand, blinked several times, and then shot off the bed faster than I’d ever seen him move on a pitch. “Jesus Christ,” he choked out, running a hand through his hair. “It’s not what it looks like, I swear.” Muttering a string of curse words, he began to pace the floor. “Fucking Gibsie,” he bit out, jaw clenched. “He’s going to ruin my life.”


“They’re his,” Johnny choked out. “Not mine.”

“Oh.” Pulling myself up on my elbows, I watched him stalk around the room like a madman. “Okay.”

“I’m just holding on to them for him,” he hurried to add, still pacing. “I didnotbring those over here for any other reason than I forgot they were in my pockets.”

“It’s fine.”

“For fuck’s sake,” he groaned, stopping to cup the back of his head. “I wouldn’t… I mean I’m not… I didn’t expect to have sex with you.”

“You didn’t?”

“What?” He gaped at me. “No, Shannon, of course I didn’t.”

“Oh.” I glanced down at the condoms before looking back at him. “Why?”

“Because I—” His mouth fell open and it took him a few moments to recover. “Wait—what?”