“I’m just saying that I could get the bus like I usually do.”
“Yeah, well, sue me for not wanting my sister standing around a bus stop at six o’clock in the morning when the drunks are lurking around,” he replied. “I’ll be driving you to and from school from now on.”
“Because of Johnny?” I pushed, jutting my chin out defiantly. “Because you and Mam don’t want me catching spins off him?”
“No, Shannon, because our father is still out there, and if he’s on a bender, you’re the first person he’ll go looking for,” Darren snapped, and I flinched.
“Thanks for the reminder.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, tone calmer now. “I’m not trying to upset you, but I need you to beaware, and I need you toremember.”
“Yeah, well, just soyou’reaware, I’ve never had a problem with any of the drunks at the bus stop.” I swiped my schoolbag off the floor and gingerly slipped it over my shoulder before brushing past him. “Just the drunks in this house.”
“Jesus,” Darren groaned, trailing after me. “I’m drowning in mood swings.”
Boom, Boom, Fucking Boom, Buddy
“Look, it’s Mister Boombastic himself,” Hughie Biggs called out when I rounded the courtyard and found the lads standing around the front entrance of the main building.
“How’s the Vengaboy?” Patrick Feely offered, clapping me on the back. “Congrats on the marriage—you’re a dark horse.”
“I’ll say,” Hughie laughed. “Any babies yet, lad? Sail any boats?”
Arching a brow, I turned to Gibsie who was leaning against the wall. He had a cigarette hidden under his sleeve, which I thought was pretty fucking pointless given the smoke that was wafting around him. “Youtoldthem?”
“I told everyone,” Gibsie shot back with an unapologetic grin. He slid his free hand under his school jumper and began to slap his hand against his chest. “Boom, boom, fucking boom, buddy!”
“Is she here yet?” Ignoring their ribbing, I kept my eyes on Gibsie. “Have you seen her?”
Feely frowned. “Who?”
“Shannon Lynch,” Hughie filled in, sounding amused. “I’m guessing.”
“Are you with her now?”
I turned to look at Patrick. “What?”
“Shannon,” he repeated. “Are you with her now?”
“Well, he was with her in Dublin,” Gibsie piped up. “And at his house last weekend.”
“I heard about what happened,” Hughie said, eyes laced with sympathy.
Yeah, I bet he had. The people in this town were un-fucking-believable for gossiping.
“Is she okay?” he pressed.
I don’t know because I haven’t seen her in a week, I wanted to roar, but held it back. “She’s grand.”
“He hasn’t seen her since Mammy K went to town on her mother,” Gibsie said, laughing.
Feely’s brows shot up. “They had a fight?”