“Ah, that’s lovely,” Mam cooed, mollified. “Good boy, Gerard! Very educational.”
Gibsie arched a brow and grinned.
“Did you need something?” I asked, getting back to the point. “Because I’m trying to watch Christy Brown here.”
“Oh, right, well, here’s the thing, love,” Mam said, tone hesitant. I rolled my eyes with impatience and waited for her to get to the point. “I might not make it back home tonight.”
Thank you, Jesus!“That’s a shame.”
“Traffic was insane getting up here and the thought of driving back down in bumper-to-bumper backlog is more than I can handle.”
Gibsie gleamed in approval.
“Then you should definitely stop over at the old house with Da,” I replied, tone soothing. “You’re tired, Ma—too tired to be making that journey.”
“On your own in the dark,” Gibsie offered. “Alone and female.”
“Gibs,” I warned.
“Sounds too dangerous if you ask me, Mammy K,” he continued, ignoring me. “Driving through Dublin city at night, all by your lonesome.”
“She’s from Ballymun, ya spanner,” I grumbled. “She’d take your culchie arse out in a heartbeat.”
“Boys!” Mam snapped and then sighed heavily down the line. “I’ll be home no later than lunchtime tomorrow to take you to your physio appointment…if you’re sure you’ll be okay without me—”
“I’m sure,” I quickly interjected, leaving out the snippet that I had been just fine without either of them for years. “I’ll be grand.” Leaning over the tub, I reached up and switched off the shower. “We both will.” Grabbing two towels off the rack, I tossed one to Gibs and tucked the other under my arm. “No worries.”
“I love you, Johnny,” Mam finally said.
“Yeah—” Balancing my phone on the side of the tub, I draped the towel over Joey’s shoulders before snatching my phone back up. “Love ya, too, Ma.”
“Oh, before I forget—”
“Gotta go, Ma. Bye, bye, bye—” Ending the call, I slipped my phone back into my pocket and exhaled a huge sigh. “Thank Christ for that.”
“I’ll say,” Gibsie agreed, dropping his hand from Joey’s mouth. “I’d say we’re in the clear, lad.”
“Jesus,” Joey hissed, teeth chattering. “You’re a mammy’s boy, aren’t ya?”
“Do you want to be gagged again?” I narrowed my eyes. “Because that can be arranged.”
“Fuck you both,” Joey mumbled, breathing hard. “Don’t do me any favors.”
My mouth fell open. “Are you shitting me right now, Joey?”
“I think the word you’re looking for is ‘thank’ you both,” Gibsie interjected cheerfully. He cast me a meaningful look and shook his head in warning. “And you are more thanwelcome, Joseph.”
Holding my tongue and reining in my temper, I took a step back and watched as Gibsie helped him out of the tub.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” Roughly shoving Gibsie away, Joey staggered backward and collapsed on the floor. “I don’t need your help.”
“Well, tough shit because you’re getting it,” I snapped. “Whether you want it or not.”
“You’re a little fucked up, Joey the hurler,” Gibsie mused. “You know that, right?”
“Yeah, I’m fucked up,” Joey sneered, shaking from head to toe. “And you’re just plain fucked in the head.”
“Indeed,” Gibsie agreed solemnly.