Page 54 of Keeping 13

“I’m okay,” I squeezed out, patting her back. “Just please be gentle.”

“Of course,” she sobbed, loosening her hold once more. “Oh god—” Her words broke off and her face contorted in pain. “Your face.”

“I’mokay, Claire,” I gently reminded her. “I’m here.”I’m alive.

“I just love you so much,” she cried. “You don’t even get how important you are to me!”

“Can I get in on this action?” Gibsie asked and then wrapped his arms around the both of us. “Group hugs,” he mused, ruffling both our heads before stepping back and pulling a box of cigarettes from his jeans pocket. “Good for the soul.” Smiling to himself, he placed a cigarette between his lips and sparked up.

“Hi, Gibsie.” I sniffled, wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

“Little Shannon,” he replied with a wink. “You good?”

I nodded weakly.

“Damn straight you are,” he said, tone encouraging. “Little fighter.”

“You look like a panda bear,” Claire croaked out, touching the dark circles under my eyes. “Are you sleeping?”

Not a wink because I’m tortured with nightmares.“It’s just bruising.”

She flinched. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” I whispered, offering her a watery smile. “I’ll be okay.”

“Ask her now,” Johnny barked, drawing all of our attention back to where he was still locked in a stare-down with my brother. “Ask your sister what she wants. Ask her if she wants us to leave. Go on. Fucking ask her!”

“I’ve already told you,” Darren growled. “She’s not—”

“I want to stay with my friends for a while,” I mumbled, surprising everyone. I felt four pairs of eyes land on my face and my cheeks burned. Stiffening my spine, I looked at my brother and said, “I’m going to spend some time with my friends.”

Darren looked at me in defeat. “You shouldn’t be outside after your procedure.” He ran a hand through his hair and let out a small groan. “You shouldn’t be going anywhere without me or Joey.” He gave me a meaningful stare. “Think about this.”

I didn’t need to think about it. I already knew what he was referring to.


He was out there somewhere, and Darren was terrified of him getting ahold of one of us. My old friend fear roared to life, sucker punching me in the gut, and I physically flinched.

What if he finds you? What if he comes back? What if she takes him back while you’re gone and he’s in the house when you get home?

What if—

“I’ll look after her,” Johnny announced in a tone so sincere there left no room for doubt. Darren didn’t respond to him so Johnny turned his heated gaze on me. “I’ll look after you,” he repeated, blue eyes locked on mine. “I will.”

Exhaling a ragged breath, I nodded. “Okay.”

Relief flooded his features. “Okay?”

“Yeah,” I breathed, nervously clasping my hands together. “I want to go with you.” I flicked my gaze back to Darren and saw the disappointment in his eyes, but held my nerve. “I’m going with him, Darren.”

Darren shook his head, muttered something unintelligible under his breath, and then stepped outside. Retrieving Johnny’s crutches off the ground, Darren handed them to him and hissed, “You better mean that because this isn’t a game, kid,” before walking back inside. “Remember what I said, Shannon,” he added.

When the front door slammed shut behind him, I released the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

Claire beamed at me. “Girl, my pride levels are so high right now they could not possibly be measured.” She took my hands in hers and squeezed. “How does it feel to finally stick up for yourself andwin?”

I shrugged, feeling confused. “Unnerving?”