Sighing in contentment, I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him, thanking god that he had made the decision to delay his signing for another year so he could finish off his leaving cert here at Tommen.With me. It gave us one more year together before the big decisions had to be made. It gave us breathing space. It kept us together for a little longer, and I was savoring every one of those minutes. I felt guilty for being so ecstatic that Johnny had decided to stay. I also felt a huge swell of guilt and responsibility for him making that decision. I had feared he was staying out of duty to me, or because he was scared I wouldn’t cope.
When he explained thathewasn’t ready, thathedidn’t feel like he could walk away from his life yet, and that he had thought it through with his usual precision and attention to detail, I relaxed. Heneededthis year. Some more time to just grow up and live a little before he moved on to the pros. He was talented enough that he was in the position to make that kind of decision and still have the full support and backing of not only his trainers at the Academy but the Irish coaches, too. Of course, his mother was beyond delighted to have him home for another school year, but I had a feeling her excitement was quickly wearing off considering she had upped her spy patrol on our relationship, roping Sean into the mix, too.
“What’s that for?” Johnny chuckled, dragging me from my thoughts.
“I just missed you,” I whispered, nuzzling my cheek against his chest.
“You saw me this morning, Shan,” he reminded me. “And at dinner yesterday evening.” His voice turned huskier when he added, “And last night, when you had your lips—”
“I remember,” I choked out, blushing. “You don’t need to give me a verbal recap.”
“You need to control that ward of yours,” Gibsie announced, drawing our attention to him. “I’m serious, Johnny,” he added, still scowling. “Tadhg is getting right on my tits.”
“He’s a kid, Gibs,” Johnny drawled, arching a brow. “You can handle him.”
“Oh, IknowI can,” Gibsie replied, still glowering. “But my version of handling him is very different to yours and will most likely land me in a prison cell. Therefore, it’s a good thing you decided to stick around until June, Cap, because you’re going to need to stopmefrom bulldozing this year.”
“By the way, Johnny, I saw your mother and father go into the office earlier,” Helen said. She blushed and batted her eyelashes as she spoke to him. “I hope everything’s okay.”
“Yeah,” Shelly agreed, joining in on the eyelash batting. “I hope it’s nothing serious.”
“Why are you two still here?” Lizzie asked in a flat tone.
“Liz,” Claire snickered. “Be nice.”
“I am being nice,” Lizzie countered. “I could have saidfuck off.” She gave the girls a pointed look.
“You should buy a muzzle for that one, Claire,” Shelly huffed, glaring at Lizzie. “She has issues.”
“Big ones,” Helen agreed before they stalked away together arm in arm.
“Was that necessary?” Claire asked, still laughing. “They’re harmless.”
“They’reannoying,” Lizzie corrected. “And catty,andbitchy.”
“They are,” Gibsie agreed. “And we only have room for one catty bitch in this group.”
“Thor, you better not start with me this morning,” Lizzie warned. “I’m trying to be cordial here, but your face is just setting me off.”
“Oh, Jesus, come on, Shan,” Johnny muttered with a shake of his head. “It’s too early for their shite.” Catching ahold of my hand, he tugged me down the hallway after him.
“What do you think your parents are doing in the office?” I asked, hurrying along next to him.
Johnny shrugged. “Sorting out your brother’s enrollment, I suppose.”
“Yeah.” I blew out a shaky breath, feeling nervous and anxious for him. “Do you think he’ll be okay?” I asked. “Do you think he’ll make friends and settle in here at Tommen?”
“There’s only one way to find out,” Johnny mused, pulling me to a stop just outside the girls’ bathroom. “Here we go,” he added, tone light and full of humor as he pointed to the front entrance.
My breath hitched in my throat when my eyes landed on the boy standing in the doorway, dressed in the Tommen uniform, looking hard and beautiful and a little lost. A gear bag was slung over one shoulder and a hurley was clutched in his other hand. His white shirt was untucked, his red tie was hanging loosely. His blond hair was ruffled, and his expression was one offuck the world and everyone in it. He looked thinner, darker, more haunted, but his green eyes were sharp and focused again.
“Oh my god,” Claire choked out, running up to us, clutching her chest. “Is that—”
“Joey,” I filled in with a small nod. “Yep.”
“When did he get out?”
“Last week,” Johnny told her.