Page 350 of Keeping 13

“No matter what?” I whispered, leaning into his touch.

“No matter what,” he replied gruffly.

The roof of the tent started to shake rapidly then, and Gibsie’s voice filled my ears. “Hey, Cap? Are you getting your hole… I mean, are you making sweet love, or can I come in?”

“Yes, I am,” Johnny growled. “Now fuck off.”

The zip lowered on our tent opening and Gibsie’s blond head popped through. “Morning, family.”

“I said I was making sweet love, asshole,” Johnny snapped, sitting straight up.

“I know,” Gibsie laughed, crawling inside. “That’s how I knew you weren’t.”

“I could have been,” Johnny argued.

“Nope,” Gibsie shot back. “The tent wasn’t shaking.”

“Morning,” Claire chirped as she crawled in after him, with a full face of makeup and her clothes on point. “How are my favorite lovebirds? Ready for another amazing day?”

“Do you have batteries I can take out?” Johnny asked her. “Your optimism isendless.”

“I’m a sunny-side up kind of girl,” she told him.

“We’re hungry,” Gibsie admitted with a sheepish grin. “We ran out of snacks in our tent.”

“Because you didn’t bring any,” Johnny grumbled, flopping back down and taking me with him. “Like I told you to.”

“Ooh, you have gummy bears?” Claire asked, rummaging around in our bags. “Wow, I thought you didn’t eat junk food, Johnny.”

“I don’t,” Johnny yawned. Rolling onto his side, he draped an arm around me. “They’re for Shan.”

“Aww,” she swooned. “You’re so considerate.”

“Could you be—and leave?” Johnny muttered under his breath.

“Don’t be cranky,” I scolded, pinching his nipple.

“Do it again,” he purred. “Lower.”

I blushed. “Johnny—”

“She can pull on your dick later,” Gibsie announced. “Right now, we have places to be and drunk to get.”

“Drunk to get?” Johnny shook his head. “Lad, you really need to start listening in class.”

“Get out of the sleeping bag and come have fun with me,” he ordered. “Or I’m going to fart on your girlfriend. And trust me, it’s going to be a ripe one. I was on the cider all day yesterday.”

“He’s telling the truth,” Claire added, gagging. “His farts are toxic, guys. I thought he was going to blow us up last night.”

“You were farting, too,” he shot back. “Like a ripper.”

“I know,” she replied, not missing a beat. “I had to try and drown out yours, didn’t I?”

“God, the two of you are beyond fucked up.” Johnny chuckled.

“Get up, or I’m releasing the beast,” Gibsie warned. “Do it now or I might slip a salmon out while I’m at it.”

“Ew, Gerard,” Claire scolded. “That’s so wrong.”