“It’s because you’re so amazing, and now the whole world knows just how much.” She gave me a watery smile. “They all want you.”
“I only want you,” I mumbled, pressing my forehead to hers.
“You have me,” she replied softly. “Contract or not. I’m entirely yours.”
Extended Chapter
Tender Hearts…and Chicken
He came back to me.
After almost two months apart, Johnny washome.
The moment I saw him, I wanted to climb onto his lap and stay there forever. I didn’t care about the logistics of it all, or my basic human needs, I physically craved Johnny Kavanagh to the point where I wanted crawlintohim and stay there forever. That was how intense my feelings for him had grown. How uncontrollably in love I was.
Even now, as I sat in the passenger seat of his car on the way to town, it wasn’t enough. I couldn’t seem to getcloseenough. The very real worry of his possible departure at the start of the school year was enough to send me spiraling into a panic attack, but I forced my fears back. I pushed through my anxiety, determined to live in the moment with the only boy I’d ever loved. Determinednotto hold my boyfriend back from his dreams. After all, I owed him so much more than my life. I owed himmydreams. Because I was beginning to have those now. Actual dreams of my own.
“So, I know that I said I wanted us to have dinner together, but I have a feeling that’s not going to happen,” Johnny announced when we pulled up outside Spizzico’s restaurant on Main Street and he killed the engine. Drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, he blew out a frustrated breath before gesturing to the familiar silver Ford Focus parked two cars up. “Bleeding Gibs.”
I laughed because in all honesty, what else could I do? “He really missed you this summer, Johnny.”
“Yeah.” Johnny sighed heavily again. “And I really missed him, but I reallyneedtime with you, Shannon. Time on our own. Without my ma or one of your brothers lurking around the corner.”
“We’ll have time,” I coaxed, reaching across the seat to place my hand on his jean-clad thigh. “All the time in the world.”
My words seemed to settle something inside of Johnny because when he looked at me again, there was a boyish smile in place. “All the time in the world, huh?”
I squirmed in my seat, feeling both shy and aroused in one breath. “You tell me.”
“Oh yeah,” he agreed, tone taking on a husky note as he unfastened his seat belt and leaned across the seat. “We’ll have it all and more.” His fingers brushed my chin for the briefest of moments, tilting my face upward, and then his lips were on mine, searing me with the kind of heat and affection that I would never recover from.
Falling into his kiss, I could do nothing but unfasten my seat belt and scramble onto his lap, fingers knotting in the fabric of his crisp white shirt as our lips collided.
“Hi, Shannon,” he groaned in approval against my lips as his hands snaked out to clamp down on my hips.
“Hi, Johnny,” I breathed, peppering him with kisses. He smelled sogood, felt sostrong, touched me soright. He waseverythingto me. “I love you.”
“I love you more” came his grunted response when my tongue swept over his neck to taste him. “You look incredible tonight… Hmm, fuck… Did I tell you that, baby?”
Yeah, he already told me that.
At least five times.
Warmth crept over my skin when his hands moved from my hips to graze my bare thighs. “You’re so beautiful,” I whispered, lips trailing from his neck to the curve of his shaved jaw. “You make me so happy.”
“Ah, Jaysus, Shan, you really need to stop saying these words to me.” He groaned, hips flexing beneath me. “If you don’t, we’re never going to make it to dinner.”
“And my baby’s on a feeding schedule,” I cooed teasingly, pressing one last kiss to his lips before pulling back to grin at his flushed expression. “Don’t worry, Mister Rugby, I would never keep you from dinner.” Grinning, I added, “After all, your stomach has been complaining since we left the house.”
He offered me a wolfish grin in response. “They do serve a fucking fantastic chicken, Shan.”
“Uh-huh.” Rolling my eyes, I climbed off his lap and laughed. “You and your chicken.”
* * *