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“What did you do, Shan?” Hughie asked, tearing his lips away from Katie’s to look at us. “Were you brawling?”

“Definitely not,” I choked out, still trembling. “I’m not a fighter.”

“Oh, I think you are,” Feely replied. “Muhammad Ali right here, folks.”

“She floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee,” Katie chuckled. “A teeny-tiny bee.”

“She KO’d Kav, didn’t she?” Hughie laughed.

“Oh, he’s on again—look!” I squealed, watching as Johnny filled the screen to receive a medal. “They’re giving him Man of the Match.”

“Shh, shh!”

“Shut up, ye shower of whores, he’s talking!”

The volume was blasted to the maximum, and the crowd in the bar went deathly quiet just as the reporter started speaking. “Jonathan, a massive congratulations is in order for a fantastic performance tonight. Your first start for the senior side and you scored two tries—and at only eighteen years old. Tonight must be a dream come true for you. Do you have any words?”

“I’m very honored to have the opportunity to represent my country,” Johnny replied, still slightly breathless. “I’m well aware of how lucky I am to be in this position, and for that I’d like to thank my parents for their commitment and support, my trainers and coaches at the Academy, my school for giving me the foundations that got me to this stage and providing the concessions I’ve needed from time to time, and the lads I train with every day of the week, especially my three closest friends and teammates from club level: Gibs, Feely, Hughie. I wouldn’t be here without their support, so tonight’s performance was for them.”

“Well, to top off a wonderful series win, you’re also tonight’s Man of the Match.” The presenter placed a medal over Johnny’s neck and shook his hand. “Congratulations, Jonathan.”

“I actually wanted to mention one more person, if that’s okay?” he told her, still shaking her hand.

“Of course.”

“I’d like to thank my girlfriend for her unconditional love and support. It’s been a roller coaster of a ride getting back from injury, and I can honestly say that I wouldn’t be here today without her fierce encouragement.” Clutching his medal in his hand, he looked into the camera and gave the medal a little shake before saying, “Shannon, I love you, and I’ll be home soon.”

“Aww!” Katie squealed, jumping clean out of her seat. “Shan, you’re famous!”

“Fuck that,I’mfamous!” Hughie cheered. “He said my name.” Turning to Feely, he grinned. “Fucking Cap, huh? What a legend.”

“I know.” Feely laughed. “Gibs is going to lose his shit when he watches it later.”

“Yeah, that boy is smooth.” Lizzie begrudgingly sighed. “I’m made of ice, but I’m slightly melting here.”

“Yeah.” Nodding rapidly, I just stared at the screen, feeling my heart pound at a hundred miles an hour.

Shannon, I love you, and I’ll be home soon…

Shannon, I love you…

I’ll be home soon…

I didn’t realize I was clutching my chest until Lizzie grabbed my hand. “Breathe, Shannon.” She chuckled. “He’s coming home.”

“He’s coming home, Liz.” Biting down on my lip, I grinned at her. “He’s really cominghome!”


The Boys in Green


Rugby united our country from north to south, from east to west. For eighty minutes, there were no borders or politics to worry about. We were one nation standing behind twenty-three men going into battle. We wereone, and that was a fucking achievement in itself.

“Ireland’s Call” chorused around the stadium, setting alight a barrage of goose bumps across my skin. Heads held high, emotions over-spilling, nerves frayed, but united we stood. Ulster man with Connacht man, Leinster man with Munster man, exiles and hybrids, coaches and trainers, the back room and our families, roared on by the people as we made our own little mark on Irish history, as we stood together, paving a path and opportunity for a better future. Respect at an all-time high, we workedtogetherfor each other and for the pride of our people—forallthe people.

The Irish fans were the best supporters in the world. The whole fucking world recognized that feat. It didn’t matter the sport or the occasion. They came in droves, regardless of the weather, and regardless of the score at the end of the eighty minutes they returned the next week. This was what it was all about. These people made the feeling of pride burst clean out of my chest. We played for them, for our country, for each other.