Page 304 of Keeping 13

“Stop earwigging, Ollie,” Shannon called back.

“And look! He’s got a tattoo on his—”

“Ollie,” Shannon snapped. “Go and play.”

“Fine,” Ollie huffed before disappearing back into the tree house.

“Boobies,” Hughie snickered. “I love that kid.”

“Hey, Katie,” Gibsie purred in retaliation, waggling his brows at Hughie’s girlfriend. Flexing his pecs, he asked, “What doyouthink of my boobies?”

“I prefer Hughie’s boobies,” Katie shot back with a smirk. “They’re so much perkier.”

“Nice try, fucker,” Hughie snickered, pulling himself up from his lying position to smack a kiss to his girlfriend’s cheek.

Huffing out a breath, Gibsie turned to Claire and grinned devilishly. “The gooch is the area of skin between a man’s balls and his a—”

“Shut the fuck up, lad,” I hissed, tossing a bottle of water at him.

“His asshole,” Gibsie finished, completely unaffected by the bottle that had just smacked off the side of his head. “Or anus, if you want to get technical.”

“Shut the front door!” Claire gasped, clambering into a sitting position. Her eyes were wide in wonder and glued to the front of Gibsie’s jocks. “And you never told me that before?”

“I can show you,” he offered in a flirtatious tone. “Come behind that tree with me and I’ll give you a thorough lesson in the male anatomy—”

“Wait a damn minute!” Hughie growled, attention riveted to the same place his sister was staring. Springing straight up, he pointed to Gibsie’s jocks and hissed, “When did you getthat?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Gibsie whistled, feigning innocence.

Looking mildly horrified, Hughie tilted his head to one side, clearly inspecting his junk. “Show us.”

“You said I’m not allowed take my jocks off,” Gibsie sniffed, folding his arms across his chest. “You threatened my gooch.”

“Holy shit.” Feely choked out a laugh. “You didn’t!”

“He fucking did,” Hughie muttered, paling a little.

“Ah, lad,” Feely groaned, rolling onto his side. “You are troubled.”

“You don’t seem surprised, Cap,” Hughie noted, eyeing me suspiciously. “Why are you not surprised?”

“What did he do?” Shannon asked me.

“Uh…” Sitting up, I resisted the urge to tuck her face into my chest and cover her ears. “You don’t want to know.”

“The genius pierced his penis,” Lizzie explained. “Look at it—I can see it popping out through his jocks. It’s practically waving hello.”

“Don’t look at it,” I barked. “None of you look at it.” Turning to Gibsie, I hissed, “You put it away.”

“I can’t believe you got a Prince Albert piercing,” Lizzie said, rolling her eyes. “That’s so tacky.”

“He didn’t,” Claire was quick to defend. “He got a Jacob’s Ladder, and it’s not tacky. It’s very nice.”

“And how the hell would you know?” Hughie demanded, glaring at his sister. “What have you been up to? Hmm?” He narrowed his eyes. “Were you looking at his ladder?” Claire’s cheeks reddened and Hughie turned his glare on Gibsie. “Did you corrupt my sister?”

“No…” Claire replied, cheeks burning red now. “I…uh, just spotted it.”

“You spotted it,” Hughie repeated, tone laced with disbelief. “And where did you happen tospothis pierceddick, Claire?”