Page 292 of Keeping 13

Ollie’s face fell and I shook my head before turning to glare at Gibsie who was balmed out on his back in the tree house, smoking his brains out. “You bleeding eejit.” Turning back to Ollie, I smiled down at him and said, “Don’t mind him, Ollie. We made this for you and your brothers.”

“You did?” His eyes widened. “Really?”

I nodded. “Yeah, so go and get Tadhg.”

“Whoa!” Spinning on his heel, Ollie darted back through the field toward the house, screaming, “Tadhg!” at the top of his lungs. “You gotta come see this!”

“I don’t want to give it up,” Gibsie groaned, exhaling a cloud of smoke. “I love this tree house.”

“You are the biggest child I’ve ever met that never grew up,” Feely muttered.

“But it’s so nice,” Gibsie huffed. “And now we have to hand it over.”

“I’m sure they’ll let you visit,” I shot back, rolling my eyes. “Now put that cigarette out before they come back.”

Less than three minutes later, Tadhg and Ollie came running through the field back to us.

“Holy shit!” Tadhg choked out when he reached the tree. His puffy eyes were wide in astonishment. “You guys seriously built this?”

“I told you,” Ollie said proudly. “They made it for us.”

“You did?” Tadhg frowned. “Why?”

“Because we were feeling generous,” Gibsie drawled, climbing down the ladder. “And I expect free access whenever I want.”

“It must be sturdy,” Tadhg mused, casting a sideways glance at Gibsie. “To hold your weight.”

“I’m not fat!” Gibsie huffed. “I’m a flanker! I’m supposed to be stocky. I’m all muscle. I’ll show ya—”

“Jesus,” I muttered, climbing down after him. “Keep your clothes on, Gibsie.”

“Flanker?” Tadhg snickered, darting up the ladder once Feely and Hughie had climbed down. “More like wanker.”

“Oh now, he’smyfavorite.” Hughie laughed.

“I’m going to lose my shit with that kid,” Gibsie grumbled as he chased Tadhg back up the ladder. “You’re twelve,” he panted, climbing into the tree house. “You’re supposed to be a sweet child, not a little monster.”

“If I was sweet, you might try and eat me,” Tadhg shot back. “And you’ve clearly eaten enough.”

“For the last time, I am not fat,” Gibsie growled. “I’m big-boned. There’s a huge difference.”

“Huge,” Tadhg scoffed, clearly enjoying the banter. “You’ve got that right.”

“I can’t deal with this kid,” Gibsie growled.

“It’s okay, Gibsie,” Ollie said, joining them in the tree house. “I don’t think you’re fat.”

“Thank you, Ollie.” Gibsie sniffed. “It’s nice to know there’s one nice kid around the place.”

“That’s ’cause I’m sweet,” Ollie replied innocently. “Dellie says so.”

“Will you lads be alright out here by yourselves if we head inside for a bit?” I called up to them.

“Oh, I’m never coming down,” Ollie shouted back. “So I’m super okay.”

“Hey, Johnny?” Tadhg called out, poking his head over the railing.
