Page 29 of Keeping 13

I threw my hands up, exasperated. “Obviously, I was wrong about Pat Kenny and the Russian—although the nurses trying to poison me is still up for debate.” I shook my head, forcing myself to stay on track. “But I’m clearheaded now, and I’m telling you that I’m right about this. I’m right abouthim.”

“Fine.” Dad nodded stiffly. “You say you have proof. Show it to me.”

“Oh, yeah,” I sneered. “Let me just go pull Shannon’s body out of the boot for ya.”

“Less of the attitude, Jonathan,” Mam warned. “We’re trying to help you.”

“And who’s helping Shannon?” I demanded, voice cracking. “Who’s helpingher?”


“I’m telling you both that if you don’t take me over there, I’ll find my own way.”

“You’re not—”

“I’m not a child,” I roared, unbuckling my seat belt and pushing open the car door. “I’m almost eighteen, dammit! So don’t push me into a corner and expect me not to push back.” Grabbing my crutches, I clumsily maneuvered out of the car. “You may be unsure, but Iknow,” I insisted. “I fucking know! And if you won’t help me, I’ll sort this myself.”

“Where are you going?” they both demanded in unison as they filed out of the car after me.

Ignoring them both, I leaned heavily on my crutches and wrestled with my pocket for my phone. Yanking it out, I unlocked the screen and dialed Gibsie’s number.

“Don’t even think about it,” Mam warned. “You’re not going anywhere—”

“I need you to come and get me,” I said the second Gibsie answered, not giving him a chance to greet me. “Please?”

“Say no more” was his automatic response. “I’m already on the way.”

“Thanks, lad.” Ending the call, I gripped my phone with more force than necessary and stared right back at my parents, who were gaping at me in disbelief. I knew why. This wasn’t me. I didn’t act like this. I didn’t speak to my parents like I just had. “I’m not a liar,” I told them. “Never have been, never will be.” Trembling, I added, “I know what I’ve seen, what I’ve heard. I’m right about this and you’re making a very dangerous mistake by not listening to me.”

“We don’t think you’re a liar, Johnny,” Mam said gently. “But weareworried about you.”

“And I’m worried abouther,” I tossed back, voice thick with emotion. Rain was hammering down on all of us, but I wasn’t moving. Icouldn’t. “I’m terrified for her.”

“Fine, I’ll make you an offer,” Dad said, clearing his throat. “Go inside and lie down, and I’ll make some calls and see what I can find out.”

I slumped in relief. “Really?”

My father nodded and pushed his damp hair out of his eyes. “If you’re that concerned, I’ll drive down to the station myself and make some inquiries.”

“You’re not fucking with me?” I asked, mirroring his actions. “You’ll check on her?”

Dad nodded stiffly. “But I sincerely hope you’re wrong, son.”

“Yeah,” I croaked out, feeling my mother’s arm come around my waist. “Me too—”

The sound of my phone ringing caused me to pause midsentence. Glancing down at my phone, I readJoey the Hurlerflashing across the screen and my blood began to boil.

“Where the fuck have you been?” I demanded the moment I accepted his call. “I’ve been calling you nonstop for days, Joey. Jesus Christ!”

“Yeah, I know,” he replied in what sounded like a hushed tone. “It’s been a complicated few days here.”

“Complicated?” I scoffed and almost smashed my phone. “Yeah, see, that word doesn’t work for me,” I snarled. “‘Complicated’ doesn’t explain or excuse the marks on your sister’s body.” Staggering toward the car, I ignored the horrified looks etched on my parents’ faces and continued to rant. “‘Complicated’ doesn’t explain why she constantly flinches and cowers away from confrontation at school. And ‘complicated’ doesn’t fucking explain why, when I asked her who was beating the shit out of her, she said yourfather!”


“You told me to tell your sister that there was a family emergency that day you left her at my house,” I continued, interrupting him, unable to restrain myself as my rage consumed me. “Do you remember that? You told me to tell Shannon that herfatherwas back. And do you know what happened, Joey? Do you know she did?” I had to inhale several calming breaths before continuing. “She broke down and cried. She shook so fucking bad, I didn’t know what to do to make it better! Icouldn’tmake it better! Because you lied to me. I asked you straight to your face who was hurting her, and you lied to me!”

“I didn’t lie” was his clipped response, and it only infuriated me further.