“I know,” she sobbed. “I just don’t know how to stop it.”
Releasing a low growl, I ran my hands through my hair and looked back to the house. “Listen, just stay in the car, lock all of the doors, and wait for me.”
“Just stay here,” I said, trying to keep my tone gentle. “I need to get the boys. I can’t leave them in there with him, okay?”
“No!” Springing out of the car, she clutched my T-shirt. “He wants us all in bed. If he sees you, he’ll know I called you—he’ll know I’m not in bed—and I don’t know what he’ll do.” She shook her head vehemently, fingers knotting tightly in my T-shirt. “He’s calm now, but if you go in there, he could hurt them. He could hurtyou! You don’t know what he’s capable of, Johnny. You don’t!”
Red flags were shooting up all around me. “I won’t let him see me,” I told her, keeping my voice steady. “I’ll sneak in, get the boys, and I won’t get caught. I promise. But I can’t leave them inside that house, Shannon.”
She looked torn, watching me with a pleading expression. “Then I’ll come with you—”
“No, you won’t,” I practically hissed, guiding her back into the passenger seat, my heart hammering at the thought of her going anywhere near that man. “Just stay in the car, baby,” I ordered, slamming the door shut before she had a chance to respond and hurrying back to the house.
My hands were shaking when I grabbed the wheelie bin and quietly dragged it over to the veranda. I hated heights, but not as badly as I hated this bleeding house. Climbing on top of the bin, I hoisted myself up onto the veranda, trying not to think about what I was doing, and praying Shannon had the good sense to stay in the car. Grabbing the window ledge, I hauled myself through her bedroom window, careful not to make a noise. The overwhelming stench of whiskey was the first thing that hit my senses as I quickly moved the furniture she had piled against the door.
Drunk bastard.
Every instinct inside of me demanded that I go downstairs and rip his fucking head off, but my brain was louder, screaming at me to get these kids out of this house and take Shannon away from here.
Don’t lose it,I mentally chanted as I worked to clear my path,be smart.
You can’t protect her if you’re in a prison cell, Johnny.
Keep your goddamn head.
They’ve been through enough.
Get them out of here!
Heart hammering in my chest, I unlocked her bedroom door and slowly pulled it inward, wincing when it creaked. The silence in the house was eerie, and the hushed voices drifting up from the kitchen had me on edge. Shannon was right. Something was very wrong about this picture. Stepping over a puddle of god knows what, I crept into the landing only to freeze in terror when my eyes landed on Sean who was toddling down the steps on his bottom.
On complete impulse, driven forward by my gut instinct that was screaming danger, I whispered his name. “Sean.” He paused on the turn of the staircase and looked up at me, wide-eyed and fearful, and I swear to god my heart cracked clean open in my chest. Smiling as brightly as I could, I waved and gestured for him to come back up to me. Horrified didn’t begin to cover the feeling that engulfed me when I watched a wet stain spread across the crotch of his Bob the Builder pajama pants as he obediently toddled back up the stairs toward me. Come to look at it, he was wet all over.
Jesus Christ…
When he stepped back onto the landing, he just stared up at me, hair drenched, clutching a raggedy-looking teddy bear, looking all wide-eyed and broken as he sucked on three tiny fingers.
“Hey, Sean,” I whispered, crouching down to his level and almost gagging when the smell of whiskey hit me. “Do you remember me?” I asked him, eyes watering from the stench. “I’m Johnny.”
He looked up at me with those big lonesome eyes and nodded slowly.
“Do you want to come for a spin with me again?” I asked, desperate to get him the hell out of this hellhole. “Does that sound like fun?”
Silent as a ghost, he nodded again.
“Good boy. I’m going to pick you up, okay?” I coaxed, slowly stretching my hands out to him. “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m a nice friend, remember? I’ve got that fast car and a shit ton of sweets for you—” I slowly lifted him into my arms like he was a bomb that could detonate at any minute.Jesus, he is soaked through with whiskey.“Good job, buddy,” I coaxed when he didn’t resist me. “I’m going to take you to your sister now, okay?”
I froze, stunned to hear him speak for the first time. “Hmm, Sean?” I whispered, heart in my mouth. “What did you say?”
“O-ee gone,” he whispered, touching my face with his slobbery fingers. “O-ee.”
“I know, buddy, but he’ll be back soon.” Shifting him onto my hip, I moved from door to door, checking each room for the boys. “I’m going to get you some help. I’ll take you back to my house where there’s no mean shouting—and you can have a bath. A big bubble bath with ducks and everything. We’ll get that dirty booze off you.”
“Daddy bad,” he whispered, stroking my jaw with his chubby fingers.