Page 268 of Keeping 13

“Okay,” I croaked out, trembling from head to toe as I pushed open my bedroom window and climbed onto the ledge. “G-good night, Dad.”


Get Them Out


Jerking awake, I remained perfectly still and listened for the noise I was certain had woken me. A few seconds later, the familiar vibrating sound filled my ears. Shifting around, I felt for my phone, grabbing it out from under my pillow. Bleary-eyed and half-asleep, I clicked the Accept button and put it to my ear. “Gibs, if this isn’t an emergency, I’m going to wring your bleeding neck.”

“H-hi, Johnny.”

At the sound of Shannon’s voice, I was instantly alert. “Shannon?” Pulling myself up on my elbows, I ran a hand through my hair and tried to blink awake. Twisting sideways, I glanced at the alarm clock on my nightstand. 01:23 it read. “Are you okay?”

“No.” Her voice was so hushed it was barely audible.

“What’s wrong?” I demanded. “What’s happening?” The sound of sniffling coming from the other end of the line had me throwing off my covers. “Talk to me, Shan,” I coaxed, voice still thick from sleep, as I rummaged around in the darkness for my clothes. “Hmm?”

“He’s here,” she choked out, voice laced with fear. “He’s downstairs and I’m scared.”

“What do you mean?”

“My dad,” she choked out. “He’s in the house, Johnny.”

Fuck.“Can you get out?”

“No. He’s in the kitchen. I can’t go back down there.”

Shite.“I’m on my way,” I replied, snatching my keys off my desk and moving for the door. “I’m leaving right now.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t say ‘sorry.’” Thundering down the staircase, I darted through the hallway. “Are you safe?” Skidding across the kitchen, I bolted through the utility room and out the back door. “Are you in your room?”Please tell me you’re in your room…

“Yeah, my door’s locked.”

Thank Jesus.“I’m in my car now, Shan,” I said as I unlocked my car and climbed inside. Balancing my phone between my ear and my shoulder, I turned the key in the ignition and tore off, sending gravel spraying everywhere. “I’ll be as fast as I can.”

“They’re not shouting,” she told me and the terror I could hear in her voice was crippling. “Why aren’t they shouting?”

“I don’t know, baby,” I choked out. “But I’m coming.”

“Something’s wrong,” she said in a small voice. “He’sdifferenttonight. I don’t know what’s happening, Johnny, but something’s very wrong. I can feel it in my bones.”

“I’m going to get you out of there,” I hissed, struggling to rein in my fury. “I promise. I’m going to take you out of that fucking hole and you’re never going back.”

“Johnny, I’m really scared,” she sobbed.

“I know.” Using one hand to steer, I dragged my seat belt across my chest with the other and snapped it into place. “I know, baby, but I’m coming.” Gripping the wheel, I had the biggest urge to tell her that I loved her. A voice inside of my head was screaming,Do it now because you might not get another chance.“Shannon, I love you.”

“I love you, too, Johnny,” she whispered and then the line went dead.

“Fuck!” Slamming my hand down on the steering wheel, I drove like a deranged lunatic all the way to her house.

* * *

When I pulled up outside Shannon’s house half an hour later and climbed out of my car, I couldn’t stop my hands from shaking. Wholly enraged, I stalked up the overgrown garden path with every intention of kicking the fucking door down to get my girlfriend out of that house.

“Johnny?” Shannon’s voice filled my ears and I backtracked, gaze landing on her bedroom window on the second level of the house.