“Oh my god,” I choked out through fits of laughter as I fastened my seat belt. “I can’t believe you just did that.”
“I know, right?” Gibsie shot back, grinning. “It was getting a little heavy for a Monday morning, and it just feltright. Like an urge or something.”
“When things feel right in your head, they’re usually very fucking wrong,” Johnny grumbled, looking pained. “Next time, repress the urge, Gibs.”
“Whatever, lad,” Gibsie scoffed. “I saved you from another mother-in-law tongue-lashing and you know it,” he added, before falling into a heated debate with Claire about the appropriateness of serenading virgins.
Reaching for my hand, Johnny lifted it to his mouth and dropped a kiss to my knuckles. “So, listen,” he said in a low tone, ignoring the noise coming from the back seat, “I wanted to ask you about something.”
“Oh?” Excitement thrummed in my veins and I turned in my seat to give him my full attention. “What?”
“Dinner tonight.” He cast a quick sideways glance at me before refocusing on the road. “At my place.”
Instantly, my anxiety peaked. “I don’t know, Johnny,” I mumbled, feeling my face grow hot. “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.” It was a terrible idea. His mother was kind and warm and loving, but I doubted she wanted me back there after Saturday night. I’d seen the way she looked at me when she dropped me home, all suspicious and worried. Johnny’s words from months back were still floating around in my head.
“My parents don’t want me going over to your place. They think it’s a bad idea…”
It didn’t take a genius to read between the lines of that statement and know thatIwas the bad idea.
“It was her idea,” Johnny said, knowing where my thoughts had gone.
My brows shot up in surprise. “It was?”
“It’s true,” Gibsie offered from the back seat. “Mammy K has been tormenting him to bring you home again. I heard them talking on the phone this morning. She has some big news for the two of you.”
My eyes widened. “Big news?”
“Gibs!” Johnny barked. “Stop fucking earwigging.”
I frowned. “What news?”
“No clue,” Johnny muttered, rubbing his jaw.
“I’m in the same car as you, asshole,” Gibsie growled. “I can clearly hear your conversation. What do you want me to do? Stick my head out the window and bark at the traffic like a dog?”
“I want you to stop listening in on my conversations,” Johnny shot back, a vein throbbing in his neck. “Jesus!”
“Fine.” Holding up his hands, he leaned back in his seat. “I’ll say no more on the matter.”
“Thank you.”
“Wait… I’m invited for dinner tonight, too, right?”
“Am I?”
“Why not?”
“Jesus Christ, Gibs. I swear to god, I will pull this car over and you—”
“Fine!” Gibsie huffed. “I didn’t want the roast spuds anyway. My mam’s are better.”
“Gerard,” Claire coaxed. “It’s okay. You can have dinner with me.”
“Can I eat you?” he asked, sounding playful once more.