Page 240 of Keeping 13

J: Stop… x

Smiling like a dope, I tapped out another text.

S: I can’t help it. x

J: You can give me a thorough examination when I get there. Just to put your mind at ease. ;)

S: Wow, you’re so thoughtful. :P

J: Driving now. See you soon. x

S: Okay. x

J: Show me your tits.

I laughed loudly at the message on the screen.

S: Nice try, Gibsie.

J: Fuck! Hey little Shannon.

Setting my phone down, I hurried out of my room and dove into the shower before any of my brothers could get in there. Pulling my hair up in a messy bun to keep it dry, I lathered myself up with body wash and let my mind wander. Like usual, my thoughts automatically drifted to Johnny.

Always Johnny…

Today was May 9th, the second week of summer for Ireland, and as the days were growing longer, my feelings were growing predominantly stronger for him. Saturday night changed everything for me. Being with him in that way made it all feel so muchdeepernow. My feelings for him threatened to overthrow all common sense…

“Shannon!” Mam’s voice filled my ears as she rapped against the bathroom door. “I thought we made it clear that you were to travel with Darren to and from school.”

Excitement bubbled up inside of me.

He’s here.

Switching off the shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and hurried back to my bedroom to get dressed, dutifully ignoring my mother as I went. Slamming my bedroom door shut in her face, I dressed in record time, pulling my hair out of its bun and dragging a hairbrush through it. Sliding my phone into my shirt pocket, I slipped on my shoes, grabbed my schoolbag, and swung my door open once more.

“When I ask you a question, I expect an answer,” Mam said, standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips. “What is he doing here?”

“He picks me up for school every morning,” I reminded her. “You already know this.”Or at least you would know if you weren’t at work or in bed all the time.

“And you already know that you’re supposed to go with Darren,” Mam shot back, brow furrowed.

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes at her, I stepped around her and moved for the banister. While Mam had given up on the Garda threats, Johnny was in no way tolerated or welcome in our home. She didn’t acknowledge him or our relationship. She pretended he didn’t exist at all, which was fine by me because I was doing the same thing with her.

“Shannon Lynch!”

“Bye,” I called back, thundering down the staircase, my smile widening with every step I took that moved me closer to the front door.To him.

“You know you’re supposed to come with me,” Darren began to say as he emerged from the kitchen with a bowl of cereal in his hands. It was a half-hearted effort from him, though. He didn’t really care whether I drove with Johnny or not. He was just reciting the usual blah-blah-blah. “It makes no sense for him to drive half an hour out of his way—”

“See ya,” I called out, yanking the front door open and rushing outside into the early morning sunshine.

My step faltered when my eyes landed on Johnny sitting on my garden wall, his car keys dangling between his fingers. He wasn’t wearing his school jumper—nothing new there—and his shirt was untucked, his tie loose, making him look deliciously disheveled. He was scowling at the front of my house, but the moment he noticed me, a lazy smile crept across his face.

“Shannonlike the river,” he purred, hopping down to his feet. Gesturing to his body, he winked. “I’m here for your inspection.”

Grinning, I closed the space between us, forcing myself to walk to him and not run like I so badly wanted to. “Hi, Johnny.”

“Hi, Shan,” he replied, pressing a kiss to my lips before slinging an arm over my shoulder. “All set?”