Page 235 of Keeping 13

“Fair enough, lad.” Gibsie sighed. “My lips are sealed.”

“Thanks.” Shoulders sagging, I rested my elbows on my knees and tapped out a quick text to Shannon, letting her know that I would be leaving the gym soon to pick her up for school.

“But this is good news,” Gibsie added before heading off toward the changing rooms. “And for what it’s worth, I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks.” I exhaled a heavy sigh and trailed after him. “I think.”

“You know,” he confirmed, whipping off his clothes the minute we stepped inside the changing room. It was empty because we were the only two eejits demented enough to be here since 5:00 a.m. on a Monday morning. “This is a good thing, lad. They’re going to select you. Shit, I’m fairly sure you would have made the squad back in March when your guts were spilling down your legs.”

“I don’t know, Gibs.” Shaking my head, I walked over to my locker and stripped down. “I feel like it’s all coming around too fast.”

“Because you’re afraid to leave her,” he mused. “And you want more time.”

I shrugged helplessly. “HowcanI leave her?”

“Because you have to,” he reminded me. “Because you’re seventeen and this is your future and you’re not going to throw it all away.” Grabbing a towel out of his gear bag, he headed for the showers. “It’s one month, Johnny. Four weeks, lad. That’s nothing in the grand scheme of things.”

“I know, but it’s just…” I shook my head again and tapped out another text to Shannon before tossing my phone on the bench and grabbing my towel and shampoo. “It’s a bleeding mess.”

“This is what I’ve been saying all along,” Gibsie called out from behind one of the shower stalls. “Don’t get mixed up in anything serious when you’re still in school. It’s a recipe for disaster, lad. You all think I’m crazy, but I’m telling ya, I’m the smart one.”

“Well, I’m thoroughly mixed up in something serious,” I grumbled, stalking into the stall next to his. Slamming my hand on the chrome nozzle, I closed my eyes as a spray of scalding water poured down on me. “So I clearly didn’t get the memo.”

“That you are, lad,” he chuckled. “That you are… Oh, spot me some shampoo, will you?” His hand came over the wall separating us. “Please?”

I squirted a dollop of shampoo into my hand before tossing the bottle over to him. “I messed up with Shannon the other night.” Lathering my hair, I scrubbed myself down and sighed. “Really bad, lad.”

“What did you do?” he asked from the other side of the wall.

“Something stupid.”

“Come on,” Gibsie coaxed. “Tell me all about it, buddy. Get it off your chest.”

“I can’t say it,” I muttered, grimacing. “I’m too fucking disgusted with myself.”

“What did you do?” he repeated. “Fuck her in the car or something?”

I hung my head in shame.

“Your silence is speaking volumes,” he teased. “Come on, lad. Whatever it was, it can’t be that bad.”

“Itwasso bad, Gibs,” I choked out. “I can’t even—”

“Whoa—” The shower curtain around me sprang open. “Did you get your hole?” Gibsie stood in front of me, naked and covered in suds. “Well? Did you fuck her?”

“Get out, ya bollox,” I snapped, dragging the curtain back into place. “And I didn’t get my hole… Jesus, don’t say it that way.”

“Sorry, I forgot you’re a little sensitive about how I word things that involve your littlegirlfriend.” Dragging the curtain back, he rolled his eyes and gave me an expectant look. “Did you makeloveto her?”

I grimaced.

“Holy shit.” His eyes widened. “Youmadelove!”

“I…” Snapping my mouth shut, I switched off the water and sighed heavily. “We shouldn’t be having this conversation. It’s not right.”

“Fuck that!” he shot back, looking affronted. “You had sex with your girlfriend and you weren’t going to tellme! When did this happen?”

“Saturday night,” I choked out, feeling heat creep up my neck. “And don’t look at me like that.”