“Youpromisedyou wouldn’t tell anyone,” I choked out, blushing.
“And I didn’t,” she shot back. “We’realone.”
I huffed out a breath. “Well, I think you’re lying to me.”
Claire’s eyes widened. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me,” I told her. “I think Gibsie is very familiar withyourknickers.”
“Ugh!” She clutched her chest with her hand and gaped at me in horror. “You lie.”
“Youlie,” I countered. “And you’re using my vagina as a cover-up for your nighttime antics with the boy across the street.”
“I amnot.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Come on, Shan,” she pleaded then. “You’re my best friend. You can’t leave me on my own in this.”
Ugh.“Fine.” Grabbing the disposable razors, I skulked into her bathroom. “But if this goes wrong, I’m holding you responsible.”
“Good luck,” she called after me.
Learn to say no, Shannon.
In the future, just say no!
* * *
“I need to tell you something” was the first thing Johnny said when he opened his front door and pulled me into his house. His hair was standing up like he had dragged his fingers through it a million times, making him look gorgeously disheveled. Catching ahold of my hand, he sprinted down the hallway, heading straight for the staircase. “It’s so bad, Shan,” he choked out, dragging me up the staircase. “So fucking bad, baby.”
“Okay, but I really need to show you something first,” I choked out, wincing in discomfort as he moved at top speed, not stopping until we were inside his bedroom with the door closed behind us. “It’s so bad, Johnny,” I whimpered, removing my jacket. “Like, the worst kind of bad ever.”
“Oh, mine’s worse, Shan,” he muttered, pacing the floor. “Trust me. It’s like insanely bad.”
“Can you just look at mine first?” I begged, feeling close to a panic attack.
“I stole your brothers, baby!” he blurted out and then froze. “Sorry,” he squeezed out. “I love you.” Grimacing like he was in physical pain, he added, “Please don’t break up with me.”
“Huh?” It took me a moment to register what he had said before my mouth fell open. “What?”
“I’m so sorry,” he groaned, diving onto his bed. “I don’t know what came over me,” he added, face-planting on the mattress. “I don’t normally do this shite—that’s what Gibsie’s for.”
“My brothers?” I frowned. “Mybabybrothers?”
Johnny popped his head up and nodded slowly.
“All of them?”
“All of them,” he confirmed grimly. “But I gave them back again.”
I shook my head, feeling at a loss. “Does my mam know?”
“No, thank Jesus,” he muttered. “Joey came and got them before she noticed they were gone.”
“Was he mad?”
“No.” Johnny frowned. “More amused than mad.”