“Gibson! Kavanagh!” their coach roared from across the pitch. “No girlfriends at training! This isn’t a fucking discotheque.”
“She’s my sister, not his girlfriend,” Hughie roared back. “Don’t insult her intelligence.”
“Yet,” Gibsie offered with a snicker.
“Ever,” Hughie shot back, furious, as he stalked off in the direction of the clubhouse.
“We’ll see,” Gibsie called after him, earning himself the middle finger from Hughie.
“I’d call that a shitstorm of epic proportions,” Feely mused. “Keep it up with his sister, and I predict messy times ahead for you.”
“Yeah, well, as long as the conditions are wet, I’ll be a happy man,” Gibsie offered with a wink.
“Wow.” Johnny shook his head. “That was even creepier than usual, lad.”
“Yeah, I just heard it there,” Gibsie replied, frowning for a brief moment before grinning sheepishly at him. “To be fair, it sounded so much better in my head.”
“Maybe some things should stay in your head, Gibs,” Johnny offered.
“Come on, ya big eejit,” Feely said, holding a hand out for Gibsie who was still sprawled out on the grass. “Let’s go before you get yourself in more trouble.”
“You know I can’t help it, lad.” Gibsie laughed as he climbed to his feet and headed off the pitch with Feely. “Trouble follows me.”
“Training’s over, Kavanagh,” the coach barked. “And no girlfriend at training next week!”
Looking a little pissed off, Johnny scratched the back of his neck and called back, “Alright, coach.” Turning back to me, he cupped my elbow in his hand and leaned down. “I just need to change.” He brushed his lips against mine. “Then we’ll get out of here, okay?”
I blew out a shaky breath and nodded. “Okay.”
“I’ll be right back,” he whispered, giving my ass a quick squeeze before releasing me, smirk firmly in place, never taking his blue eyes off me as he slowly backed away.
I swear I felt the heat of his stare in my bones long after he disappeared from sight.
* * *
“Are you sure this is okay?” I asked Johnny when we parked up at the back of his house half an hour later. He was fresh from a shower, wearing clean clothes, and smelling absolutely delicious beside me. “Your parents won’t mind me coming over?” I added, warily eyeing the black Range Rover he was parking his Audi next to. “You’re positive?”
“Relax, Shan, she’s not even here,” Johnny replied, cutting the engine. “They booked a night away in Killarney for tonight. They must have taken my father’s car.”
Excitement bubbled to life inside of me. “They did?”
“We’re all alone.” Unfastening his seat belt, he turned to grin at me, dimples deepening in his cheeks. “What ever will we do?”
With trembling fingers, I unfastened my seat belt and climbed over the seats, not stopping until I was sitting on his lap. “What about the others?” I whispered, pressing my forehead to his as I thought about Claire and Gibsie. “They’re following us over here from the pitch.”
“They can wait,” he growled, clamping his hands down on my hips. “I really don’t give a fuck.”
“So, what do you want to do?” I asked, feeling him hardening beneath me.
“Just be with you,” Johnny replied gruffly, pressing a kiss to the corner of my mouth. “Spend some time on our own.”
I sagged against him. “Me too.”
“Do you want to go up to my room?” he asked, lips moving to my neck.
“Yeah.” I nodded and tightened my hold on his shoulders. “A lot.”
Groaning into my neck, Johnny gave my hips a squeeze and pulled back, eyes blazing with heat. “Let’s go.”