“Slow down,” I begged as she took the corner of my house with more speed than was necessary. “Please god, Shannon, just slow it down.”
“What’s wrong, tough boy?” she teased. “Are youscared?”
Fucking terrified…
“Oh my god, did you see that?” she squealed in delight. “Did you see me slip into fifth by myself?”
“I saw,” I choked out, gripping the oh-Jesus handle for all I was worth. “Can we be done now?”
“Please just one more time?” she begged as she headed for the laneway for the hundredth time. “I promise I’ll be done then.”
“Last time,” I choked out, clenching my eyes shut only to think better of it. “Watch out for the—” My words broke off and I held my breath as Shannon swerved. “Pothole,” I finished, exhaling a shaky breath.
“This is exactly like GTA,” she said, laughing.
“Except there’s no restart button,” I groaned. “So please don’t kill us.”
“It’s like you said.” She giggled, pushing the pedal to the metal. “I’ve got this.”
Takeout and Updates
We were sitting on the couch in Johnny’s sitting room after my impromptu driving lesson, with our schoolbooks sprawled out, having just finished our homework, and I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. I’d had the best evening with him, and now I knew how to drive.Me.I could actually drive a real car. I had no idea what spurred him to take me out in his car earlier, but I wasn’t regretting it. I felt so free behind the wheel, and having that much power was such a thrilling rush.
Feeling content, I absorbed the heat wafting from the open fire as I listened to Johnny place a food order. “Yeah, can I get a portion of cheesy bread with that orange dip and a large pizza with no mushrooms and extra pineapple?” Johnny looked over at me and made a gagging motion before saying, “Yeah, I’m sure, lad. Pile on the pineapple.”
“Hey—” Stretching out, I poked him with my toe and whispered, “Don’t judge me, MisterI only eat chicken.”
“The world is judging you,” he whispered back as he snatched my foot and placed it on his thigh. “Actually, do you have skinless chicken?” I stifled a laugh. “You do?” Peeling the sock partially off, he trailed his fingertips over my ankle. “How’s that cooked? It’s fried?” His brow furrowed and he tapped his fingers against my ankle, looking genuinely conflicted, before blowing out a breath. “Fuck it, give me a dinner box with an extra breast and leave the skin on it. Oh, and throw in a bottle of Coke.” He looked over at me and winked. “Yeah, she needs thereal brand.” He hung up the phone and grinned. “Looks like the diet’s out the window.”
“You can always start again on Monday,” I snickered.
“Are you saying I need to diet?” he teased, pulling me onto his lap. “Huh?” His lips moved to my neck and I sighed in contentment.
“You’re so pretty,” I whispered, biting down on my lip as I sagged against him. “You don’t need to diet.”
He paused midkiss and pulled back to stare at me. “Did you just call mepretty?”
“Yes.” I smiled. “What’s wrong with calling you pretty?”
“Everything,” he replied, looking appalled. “Shan, you can’t call mepretty.”
“But youarepretty,” I teased. “You have pretty eyes, and pretty hair, and a pretty smile.”
Johnny gaped at me. “I’m offended.”
I laughed at his horrified expression. “Youarea pretty boy.”
“Nope—” Shaking his head, he tossed me onto my back and then dove on top of me. “No, I’m not having that.” Slipping his hands under my shirt, he tickled my ribs. “Take it back!”
“Ahhhh, stop!” I screamed through fits of laughter as I squirmed beneath him. “I can’t. I’m ticklish!”
“I know!” He laughed, continuing to torture me. “Now take it back, or I’m going in for the kill.”
“I take it back!” I squealed, twisting and turning. “You’re not pretty—ahhhhh, Johnny, I can’t—you’re sexy! You’re sexy, okay? Ah, ah, mercy. I scream mercy!”