Page 162 of Keeping 13

“Johnny, be good,” Mam called after me.

“That’s a song,” I called over my shoulder.

“And a warning,” she shot back. “Keep it in your pants.”


* * *

Fifteen minutes later, I had dropped Gibsie off and was parked outside the Biggs house with sweaty palms and a solid semi in my jeans. Jesus Christ, the anticipation of justseeingShannon was driving me half-demented. Excitement and nervousness thrummed in my veins, making me feel all fucked up, but that’s what she brought out in me. Closing my eyes, I breathed deep and slow for several moments, wrangling my emotions into submission before attempting to get out.

When I felt slightly calmer, I climbed out and walked up the driveway, fighting an internal battle on what the fuck I was supposed to do when I reached the front door. Did I knock? Did I just walk in like I usually did? Jesus, I didn’t know. I had no fucking clue what I was doing.

Thankfully, the front door opened inward when I was halfway up the garden path and Shannon was physically shoved outside by two blonds before the door slammed shut behind her.

Holy fuck.

My feet faltered as my eyes drank her in. She was wearing a tiny red dress with a black leather jacket and matching black heels that made her legs look like they went on for days. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and flowing down her right shoulder, and her face? Jesus Christ, her lips…her eyes… Fuck, I was in so much trouble.

Clasping a carrier bag in front of her, she smiled shyly. “Hi, Johnny.”

Giving my head a little shake, I closed the space between us and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Hi, Shannon,” I said gruffly. “You look beautiful.”

“How was the gym?” she asked, smiling up at me. “Were you careful?”

I could hardly make out a word of what she had just said because my entire focus was trained on her swollen lips that were puffy and red and making me think the most depraved thoughts.

Get it together, asshole.

“Yeah,” I choked out and then roughly cleared my throat. “It was good.” Taking her hand in mine, I led her down the path to my car. “You look so fucking beautiful.”You said that already, lad.“Seriously, you’re gorgeous.”Shut up, Johnny.

“Uh, thanks.” Under the streetlamps, I could see the blush on her cheeks. “It’s the clothes and makeup.”

“It’s the girl,” I corrected, giving her hand a squeeze.

Shannon ducked her face and I bit the inside of my cheek.

“Hey—you got your car back?” she said then, eyes wide. “That’s great.”

“Yeah.” Nodding, I opened the passenger door and gestured for her to get in. “I just got it back this morning.” Shannon climbed in and I closed her door before rounding the car. “So, how’d you get out?” I asked, sinking into the driver’s seat. “With Darren on patrol.”

Shannon grimaced as she fastened her seat belt. “We had a fight and he stormed off. Mam was in bed so I sort of just…walked out.” She shrugged. “He hasn’t called since so I guess he hasn’t gone home yet, either.”

Fucking asshole.

“Well, I’m glad you’re out,” I told her, fastening my own belt. “And I’m thrilled that you texted me.”

She smiled shyly. “You are?”

“Of course.”

“Oh, here—” Reaching into the carrier bag, she withdrew a CD case and thrust it into my hands. “I made this for you.”

“Uh, okay.” I stared down at the CD case. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. It’s a mixtape,” she explained, face burning red. “Or a mix CD.”

I stared down at her handwriting on the case.