Page 130 of Keeping 13

“Sorry, Shan.” She gave me a sympathetic look. “That sucks.”

“Yeah.” I sighed. “And I know I should make an effort with Darren, but it’s sohard. He just… He was gone, you know? Foryears. I didn’t even know where he was, and now all of a sudden he’s back and in charge and falling into line with her—” My voice broke off and I gnawed anxiously on my fingernails. “I don’t know how to process it all. So much has happened and I feel like…”

“You feel like what, Shan?”

“Like I’m being smothered,” I offered quietly.

“By me?” she asked.

“No.” I shook my head. “Never you.”

“I’m always here for you.” Hurrying over to where I was sitting on her bed, Claire flung herself down on me, knocking me onto my back. “You’re my best friend,” she whispered, hugging me tightly. “And I know I’m not supposed to squeeze you, but I can’t help it because—” Her voice cracked and she dropped her face to rest against my shoulder before whispering, “Because when I got that call from Gerard and found out what happened to you, I was so afraid that I would never see you again.” Sniffling, she clutched me tighter. “I felt so responsible.”

“I’m still here,” I croaked out, holding her tightly, drowning in the smell of her strawberry shampoo as her hair splayed over my face. “And you were never responsible.”

“Wasn’t I?” she muttered. “I knew something was happening to you, and I did nothing about it.”

“You were exactly the kind of friend I needed,” I told her. “I wouldn’t have gotten through any of it without you, so don’t ever feel bad for being what I needed.”

“I’m always going to feel bad, Shan,” she replied. “I don’t think that’s going to go away in a hurry.”

“God, you need a haircut,” I spluttered, spitting out a mouthful of blond curls.


“Your hair, Claire,” I choked out, batting at my mouth as a mountain of curls swamped me. “It’s in my mouth.” I pushed at her shoulders. “You’re turning into Rapunzel.”

“Says the girl with hair down to her arse,” she giggled, climbing off me. “My hair’s thick and there’s a lot of it—” She paused to pull me up. “But you’re the one with the length.”

“Because it’s the only thing about me thatgrows,” I joked, settling down to sit cross-legged, facing her. Reaching behind my head, I pulled out my hair tie and tossed my brown hair over my left shoulder. “It’s all I have,” I added as I began to braid my hair into submission. “So don’t judge—”

“I have something that grows,” a familiar male voice piped up. “It’s growing right now.”

“You’re supposed to knock, remember?” Claire said, glancing over her shoulder at Gibsie who was standing in her bedroom. “You know the rules.”

Hovering in the doorway behind him was Johnny, shifting from foot to foot, looking incredibly uncomfortable. His gaze locked on mine and he offered me a small smile. I smiled back. Relief flooded his features and he blew out a breath.

“I know you’re talking right now, babe,” Gibsie said, drawing my attention back to him. “And I’m trying really hard to pay attention, but it’s kind of impossible when all I’m seeing is you and another girl on your bed, braiding hair, with your sexy ass hanging out of those shorts.” Grinning, he added, “Quick, do something else.”

“Something like this,” Claire replied sweetly, before grabbing a pillow and flinging it at him.

“Fucking perfect,” Gibsie said, catching the pillow midair. “Add in pillow fights and it’s like free porn.”

“You’re a perv.”

“A perv who sorted that hockey thing for you.”

“You did?” Claire’s eyes widened. “How?”

Gibsie shrugged. “I have my ways.” Titling his head to one side, he studied her back and asked, “Holy shit—are you wearing a thong?”

“Gerard,” Claire sighed.

“Is it red?” He squinted his eyes and then groaned. “It’s fucking red, isn’t it?”

Rolling her eyes, Claire climbed off the bed and padded over to where he was standing. “You’re an idiot,” she chided, slapping his arm. “Come on, you can help me clean the kitchen before Mam gets home from work. It’ll give these two some time to talk.” Smiling brightly at Johnny, she added, “Come on in, Johnny.”

“Uh, yeah.” Shoving his hands into his pockets, Johnny stepped into her room. “Thanks.”