“We’re not dealing with normal circumstances,” he ground out, jaw clenched.
Didn’t I know it…“You can say whatever you want, but I’m still going with Claire.”
He narrowed his eyes. “Get in the car.”
I held my ground. “No.”
“Get. In. The. Car. Shannon.”
Anxiety flared to life inside of me. “No.”
Unfastening his seat belt, Darren shoved the car door open and climbed out. “Get in the fucking car.” Gripping the door with white knuckles, he hissed, “Now, Shannon.”
“Back off, buddy,” Claire warned, coming to stand beside me. “I have a weapon—” She pointed over Darren’s shoulder. “He’s right over there and I’m not afraid to call him.”
“I’m not going tohurther,” Darren shot back, looking appalled. “I just need her to get in the car and come home.”
“There’s no problem, Darren,” Claire shot back. “Shannon’s going to come over to my house. We’re going to eat some junk, watch TV, and then my mom or Hughie will drop her home. No harm done.”
“I’m supposed to bring you home,” Darren stated, ignoring Claire. “You can go over to your friend’s house some other day, when I’ve spoken to her parents first.” Shaking his head, he placed a hand on my shoulder and steered me toward the passenger side of the car. “Just cut me some slack here and get in the car—”
“No,” I choked out, digging my heels into the concrete. “I’m not going home.”
“Shannon—” Exhaling a heavy sigh, Darren placed both hands on my shoulders and looked down at me. “It’s not safe for you to be out.”
“She doesn’t want to go with you!” Claire screamed at the top of her lungs. “She saidno!”
Stunned, I looked back at my friend, wondering why she had suddenly raised her voice. Darren hadn’t hurt me—not physically, at least. But when I spotted Johnny, Gibsie, Hughie, and Feely all watching us with thunderous expressions on their faces, I quickly realized why.
She was calling for reinforcements.
Oh god…
“Don’t do it,” Gibsie was shouting. “Don’t fucking do it, Cap—”
“Hey, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Johnny demanded as he shoved past his friends, limp forgotten. “Get your fucking hands off her!” he roared. “Now.”
“I can’t catch a break today.” Releasing a pained groan, Gibsie tipped his head back, not bothering to try and stop the potential carnage. “Have at it, bulldozer—and don’t forget your crutch.”
“Don’t give himthat,” Feely snapped, snatching the metal stick out of Gibsie’s hand before Johnny could. “It’s a weapon.”
“Have you seen the size of him?” Hughie offered with a despondent sigh. “He’sthe fucking weapon.”
“Jesus Christ,” Darren grumbled, spinning around to look at the boys. “Stay out of it, Kavanagh.”
“If you want to keep your arm, I would listen to him,” Gibsie called out as he intercepted Johnny before he reached us. Slamming both hands against Johnny’s chest, he tried to push him away from the car. “Because he’s a little testy right now, and I’m not wholeheartedly invested in keeping you alive if he breaks free.” Shrugging, he added, “Just saying…”
“It’s okay!” Jumping into action for once in my life, I slipped under Darren’s arm and backed away. “He wasn’t doing anything.”
“He wastouchingyou,” Johnny snarled, glaring at my brother with an expression that was borderline feral. “He was trying toputyou in the car.”
“And she said no!” Claire poked the bear by adding. “A million times.”
“I wasn’thurtingher,” Darren sneered. “I’m not that guy.”
“He’s not.” I was quick to defend him. “He wouldn’t do that to me.”
“I don’t believe you, Shannon,” Johnny shot back, livid. “You lied to me before.” He narrowed his eyes on my brother. “And I don’t believehim.”