Page 118 of Keeping 13

“Ah, god. I just… I can’t. I am so happy right now.” Wiggling around like a bunny on speed, Claire swept me up in a hug that was so tight, my lungs burned in protest.

“Oh god,” Lizzie groaned. “I suppose you could do worse than Johnny.” She cast a sideways glance toward Claire. “At least he’s better than the other one.”

“Claire…” Spluttering, I pushed at her shoulders, flinching when a sharp jolt of pain ricocheted through my rib cage. “Loosen…up…”

“Oops, sorry!” Releasing me immediately, she took a step back and grinned sheepishly. “The feels had me a little carried away there.”

“The feels?” Lizzie arched a brow. “Girl, you are too much sunshine for one person.”

“And you are too much gray cloud,” Claire quipped. Turning to me, she cooed, “And Shan here is our pretty little silver lining.”

Shaking her head, Lizzie turned her attention back to me. “Okay, Shan, I’m only going to say this once, and then you can do whatever you want.”

Claire rolled her eyes. “Here we go.”

“Take yourtime,” Lizzie said, tone serious. “There’s no rush, okay? If you want to be with him, then that’s great. If he makes you happy, then fuck it, I’m all for it, but don’t feel like you have to do anything you’re not ready for. He’s older than you and has a hell of a lot more experience with the world, so just take it atyourown pace, not Johnny’s, and if he pressures you, even a little bit, then you kick his stupid rugby ass to the curb because—”

“Because?” a familiar voice asked from behind me.

Startled and excited, I spun around and came face to chest with Johnny.

He was once again crutch-less, but he was minus his school jumper this time. His red tie was just about hanging in there, tied loosely in a half-hearted knot against his white school shirt—a shirt that he filled to the point of stretching the material.

A trickle of fear shot up my spine as I took in the sight of his muscular arms—his musculareverything.

God, the boy really wasall there.

“Alright girls,” Johnny acknowledged gruffly, and then he turned his heated gaze on me. “Hi, Shannon.”

“Hi, Johnny,” I breathed, heart racing wildly. Flustered, I balled my hands into fists at my sides, not confident enough to touch him first.

Don’t retract, Shannon.

Be brave.

Do something!

Smiling brightly, I asked, “How are you?”

Ugh, better than nothing.

A small smile ghosted his lips. “I’m good.”

“I’m good, thanks,” I blurted out and then immediately cringed when I realized he hadn’t asked. “I mean—”

“Come here.” He chuckled, grabbing my hand and pulling me flush to his chest. “I missed you,” he whispered before lowering his face to mine.

I felt his hands come around my waist and then his lips were on mine. Holding onto his arms, I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed him back, feeling at a serious height disadvantage and struggling to reach him.

Smiling against my lips, Johnny stooped down to hook an arm around my back and then I was… Oh god, I was being lifted off my feet as he drew himself back up to his full height.

Snaking my arms around his neck, I melted into the kiss, feeling every ounce of tension drain away as my body grew lax and pliant against his.

“I missed you back,” I breathed against his lips.

He smiled against my lips. “Good to know.”

It was a soft, tender kiss that was over before it started, but it felt achingly intimate and left my whole body tingling.