“But I’m okay now,” I hurried to soothe. “I am.”
“Maybe,” he replied quietly. “But I still need the link.”
“Of a phone,” I filled in.
“Yeah.” He shifted from foot to foot, looking uncomfortable. “I suppose now’s a good time to tell you that I get a little obsessed with the things I love, huh?”
There was that word again.
“It’s okay,” I choked out.
“But it’s not,” he countered gruffly. “Because it was bad enough before, when I was fighting it, but now I’m just…” He blew out a pained sigh. “I just want to be with you.” He shrugged almost helplessly. “All the fucking time.”
“That might change,” I said softly, shaking from the impact of his words.
“I wouldn’t hold your breath,” he replied.
Don’t worry, I’m not.
“Once I get my car back, we can spend more time together outside of school, and maybe I won’t be so fucking paranoid,” he continued. “You can come over to my place and kick my ass on the PlayStation, or we can go to Biddies. Whatever you want.”
“I really don’t think your parents will want me going over to your house,” I confessed, biting down on my lip hard. “I know you think otherwise, but I honestly can’t see them wanting you to hang around with me.” I sighed. “And I don’t blame them, Johnny.”
“I’m not hanging around with you, Shannon. I’mwithyou,” he shot back gruffly. “And I promise that my parents have no problem with you.”
Yeah, right…
“I’m serious, Shan,” he added, tipping my chin up to meet his eyes. “They really like you.”
I didn’t believe that, not one word, but I refrained from telling him. Instead, I mumbled a half-hearted, “They’re good people.”
“You’regood people,” Johnny shot back, blue eyes scorching me. “You, Shannon, you’regood,and my parents and everyone else knows that. Especially me. So don’t be letting that head of yours tell you any different.”
A shiver rolled through me. “God, Johnny, I just wish we could—”
“Come on, Shaggy!” Gibsie’s voice perforated the air, startling me and causing me to jerk away. Seconds later, he appeared from the lower staircase, bounding up the steps like an overexcited Labrador. “Oh…hey, little Shannon.”
“Hi, Gibs,” I replied shyly before looking up at Johnny. “Shaggy?”
Johnny sighed wearily. “Don’t ask.”
“Oh…” I frowned. “Okay.”
“You’re looking well, girl,” Gibsie acknowledged with a friendly smile before swiftly swiping Johnny’s bag off his shoulder and hoisting it onto his own. “Hate to cut the reunion short, but your boy here needs to get his ass to class.” His eyes were dancing with excitement when he said, “Lad, you won’t fucking believe it, but Mrs. Moore took my suggestion!”
Johnny stared at Gibsie for a long beat before awareness dawned on him and his jaw fell open. “You’re joking.”
“I’m so fucking serious right now.” Gibsie literally bounced on his feet. “I asked for it months ago, and I just presumed they overlooked me for that shitty past-pupil talk before Christmas, but I was wrong. Theylistenedto me, lad. It’s all set up and everything! I swear this is the best day!”
“They seriously brought them in for the senior talk?” Johnny pushed.
Gibsie nodded eagerly. “You’re welcome.”
“Jesus,” Johnny groaned. “The school’s going to shite.”
“What suggestion?” I heard myself ask.
Johnny glanced nervously at me. “Ah, you’re really better off not knowing.”