Page 101 of Keeping 13

“He’s not messing.” Furious, Hughie glowered at Gibs. “He’s been obsessed with her since junior fucking infants!”

“Tell him you’re messing,” I growled. “Tell him, Gibs.”

“I’m really not,” Gibsie said, laughing. “And it’s not just her pussy I want—although that’s high on the list. I want the whole lot of her, lad, and she wants me back.” He grinned devilishly. “Badly.”

“My sister doesn’twantyou,” Hughie sneered. “Claire can’t stand you. She only puts up with you because you’re friends with me.”

“She wasn’t saying that last night,” he replied, completely unfazed. “When I was—”

“Filter, Gibs!” I barked. “Jesus Christ, lad!Filter.”

“You better keep your filthy cock on your own side of the road,” Hughie hissed, jabbing a finger in Gibsie’s direction. “Sister fucker.”

“Not yet,” Gibsie snickered, thoroughly enjoying Hughie’s discomfort. “But I’ll take that title soon enough.”

“I’m going to kill ya—”

“Pack it in, the pair of ye!” I snapped, keeping ahold of Hughie’s jumper as I gave my best friend a withering look. “And use your bleeding brain before you speak, Gibs. Not everything you think in that fucked-up head of yours needs to be verbalized.”

“I’m joking, I’m joking.” Gibsie laughed when Hughie broke free of my hold and tackled him to the floor. Rolling onto his back, he held his hands up, still laughing. “I haven’t touched her.”

“You fucking better not have,” Hughie snarled, bitch slapping him. “There’s a code that you don’t break! You don’t mess around with your friends’ sisters!”

“I thought that rule was about our mothers,” Gibsie shot back, laughing too hard to defend himself. “Isn’t that right, Kav?”

“Watch it,” I warned, glaring at him.

“It’s the clothes,” Feely sighed wistfully.

“And the hair,” Pierce agreed.

“She’s the best cook,” Gibs offered.

“And she always smells fantastic,” Robbie interjected.

“And that body—”

“That’s my mother, ye sick bastards!” I snapped, bristling. “You don’t hear me talking about any of yer mams like that!”

“Because none ofourmothers look likeyourmother,” Gibsie snickered. “Mammy K.” He sighed dramatically. “Mmm.”

“Jesus, yeah.” Hughie paused, midstrangling. “To be fair, Cap, your mother is a pure rid—”

“Finish that sentence and I’ll shove my crutch up the highest part of your hole.” Turning to Gibsie, I said, “You know what? Go ahead and fuck all of their sisters, Gibs. In fact, go fuck yourselves while you’re at it.”

“I don’t want their sisters—no offense, lads. I’m sure they’re all lovely girls,” Gibsie said with a wink. “I only wanthissister.”

“See!” Hughie barked before turning his focus back to Gibsie. “I was only messing about your mother. This prick is serious about my sister!”

“I think you’re looking at this all wrong, lad.” Gibsie continued to goad while Hughie resumed his throttling. “I’m loyal. I’m beautiful. I’m told I give five-star oral. I’m a solid bet.”

“You’re a solid whore is what you are!” Hughie snarled. “Don’t forget I’ve known you your whole life, asshole. Which means I know all about where your cock has been!”

“I was just biding my time, and practice makes perfect.” Gibsie laughed and then groaned when Hughie’s fist connected with his jaw. “Lad, not the face. Your sister likes me pretty.”

Hughie’s face turned a deep shade of purple. “She’s innocent and good and fucking pure, dammit, so you just keep your goddamn hands off!”

“Ah, Johnny?” Feely muttered, tapping my shoulder. “We have company.”