Page 84 of Silent Is The Heart

The next document convinces me I’m right. It also makes my knees go so weak, I drop to the floor. It’s an insurance policy for a one-million-dollar payout—an insurance policy on Aaron’s alias. Hand rattling, I flip to the last paper in the folder. Nothing can be worse than what I just saw.

I stare at a lease. I know for certain that it is because this one is in English. It’s a month-to-month lease for an apartment across the street, above the liquor store. The tenant listed on it is Jason’s alias name.

I read Leonard’s cryptic letter again, and it all hits me like a left hook out of nowhere.

‘Another black mark to my soul.’

‘Be mindful of your neighbors in the future.’

A tear falls onto the letter as I gasp for air. There’s only one reason Leonard would have Jason’s bag, a man he’d never even met.

Con men know con men…He figured out what I couldn’t and saved the person I love because I was too blind to see what was happening.



George’s phone pings again with another text message alert. Reading the message, he sighs. Pacing past him on the couch, I give him a sympathetic look as I confirm the details the lawyer on the phone repeats back to me. I’m so grateful that he’s here and how supportive he’s been since I told him and my parents everything yesterday morning. He even went to the funeral home in town with me to help arrange Jason’s transport back to Seattle. Right now, he’s running defense to our worried mother and doing an admirable job of keeping her at bay. Rolling his eyes at me, he shakes his head and rattles off another text message to her.

Doing another lap around the couch, I rub the tense muscles in my neck as Sam Hodges, the pro bono lawyer we found, goes over all the information I gave him. He’s going to help me navigate through the unexpected debt that Jason racked up and even thinks he can get some of it waived, considering the circumstances.

I don’t think Grace Reider will be very happy that he has questions for her, but my sympathy level for my former mother-in-law has severely decreased since I found out she knew all along that her son hadn’t been killed in a car accident. I was the one they drained dry and had debts put upon whileshe and Jason went on living their best lives. While I don’t wish anyone ill, Sam is convinced that he should be able to prove some kind of money movement between the two of them. If that gets me further out of the red, I don’t mind sharing a little bit of my misery with Grace, after all the unkind phone calls she’s given me over the past two years.

There’s a knock at the door and my first instinct is that it’s more trouble. That seems to be the only thing that’s found my door lately. Exchanging glances with George, I shrug, but then I notice the Suburban parked out front.

Smiling, I tell Sam that I’ll have to call him back. When I open the door, Easton’s expression is dire. I don’t understand why until he looks down and angles a black gym bag forward from behind his back. Jason’s black gym bag.

“I…found this on my coffee table last night.”

“Is that…Jason’s?”

Wincing, he nods. Reaching into his coat, he pulls out a folded sheet of paper and hands it to me. “There was a note attached to it.”

My hands tremble as I take it from him. What in God’s name does this mean? Moving back, I find the sense to let him in and close the door. I don’t like how grave his face looks right now. He gives George a nod, looking weary.

I’ve overburdened my brother and my parents with enough information. Something tells me I’m not going to like what this surprise is, so I’d rather find out before I decide if I want to share it with George just yet.

“George…could you give us some privacy, please? You’ve done so much already. I don’t know how to thank you.”

It was nothing,he signs, casting a curious glance at Easton.Are you sure? I don’t mind staying if you need me.

I want to weep over having my brother back. His quick call to action, when I didn’t even know I needed someone, will forever leave an imprint on my heart.

“Yeah. This is Easton,” I inform him. “I’ll be fine. I’ll text you later.”

Nodding, he steps forward and shakes Easton’s hand. The introduction was something I was hoping for under different circumstances, but it warms my heart that they’ve finally met. Still, the sight of the bag in Easton’s hand has my pulse pumping erratically, anxious for the moment George leaves.

I’ll deal with Mom,he signs, giving my shoulder a squeeze before he heads to the door.

“Thank you.”

Alone now with Easton, the eerie bag, and a note with his name on it, I cast him a questioning look, but he says nothing. Setting the bag down on the back of the couch, he unzips it, revealing bundles of cash. His throat undulates like it’s difficult to swallow, and his gaze shifts from mine to the note, telling me that’s where he wants me to find my answers.

Unfolding it, I read it. And then… I read it again, trembling harder the second time.

The message is between the lines, but my brain puts together the meaning of the new black mark on Leonard’s soul and why he’d have Jason’s bag.

“Did you know?” I wheeze.