Page 46 of Silent Is The Heart

I’ve messed around plenty of times with my ass. It’s always a bit painful, but with enough enthusiasm, and if you get the angle right, you can rock your own world. I’ve never trusted nor given a damn enough about the guys I hook up with to want that from them. It’s on the tip of my tongue, though, to beg Aaron for it right now, to discover what it would feel like to have him inside me. To befullofhim.

He’s a bottom, I can just tell, and I think I’ve made it obvious enough that I’m a top, so I doubt that’s going to happen. I just need to try not to lose my mind for a few more minutes until he’s ready for me to give it to him. I don’t get many complaints, but if he’s left disappointed, I’ll never forgive myself.

“I was so afraid you’d leave,” he mumbles against my cheek, swirling his thumb over my cockhead.

“No,” I promise, but it comes out as a groan when his stomach undulates against my ass, forcing my dick through his grip.

Finally, he gives me his mouth. Our kisses are soft and sweet, hungry, and all-consuming. I need air desperately, but my lungs only want his. I can’t stop. My toes go rigid and a wave of heat pummels through me, immersing my legs like I’m being dipped in a vat of hot water.

“Wait,” I gasp, tearing my mouth away from his. “Stop, I—Shit!”

He stops, but it’s too late. I can feel myself pouring over his hand between my stomach and the comforter. Body rigid, I try to think the pleasure overload away.

What a joke. Who can fucking turn off an orgasm like a faucet? It’s futile when he gives me a few more languid strokes, making me convulse again.


Fucking shit.

I can’t believe I came already. That’sneverhappened. Nothing like the guy you’ve been obsessed with for the better part of a decade finding out about it and then premature ejaculating on him the first time he touches your dick.



Could that have been any more beautiful? It’s just a physiological response, I’m not going to flatter myself, but he did that forme—because of me.

Sinking my teeth into my lower lip, I try to get a hold of my breathing as he comes down. When his body finally goes slack, he sighs, burying his face in my pillow. Moving over, I settle down on the bed to free him from my weight. It’s my first unfettered view of the back of him. I don’t have to look away like that day in his apartment when he dropped his towel. I understand now why he did it, though. The tease.

Reaching out, I trail my fingers down the curve in the small of his back. It feels like such a gift to be touching him after weeks and weeks of becoming addicted to being near him. My entire life outlook just did a one-eighty because of the truth he shared with me. I feel…good, so damn good.

Rolling onto his back, his hand is cupped over the glistening spot on his stomach. “Sorry about that,” he murmurs, glancing around.

I really don’t want him out of this bed yet, so I climb over him and snatch my T-shirt up off the floor. “What’s to be sorry about?”

“Thanks,” he deflects, taking the shirt and cleaning himself off.

I refuse to give credence to the pink tint on his cheeks. I’m flying too high to let him be embarrassed. The second he looks around like he isn’t sure where to put my shirt, I grab it from him and toss it. Leaning over him, I get back to where I left off, exploring new places to put my lips. Each press to his skin is athank youfor that astounding revelation that keeps repeating in my head:Easton wants me.

Easton. Wants.Me. Hoping for it and knowing it are two different things.

I’m practically covering him again now, unable to stay away from his mouth any longer, even though I silently vowed to kiss every inch of his body. With each sweet pass against his tongue, each stroke of his jaw, a delighted voice in my head resounds,mine. He’s mine.This is actually happening.

His hands slide down my hips, giving me gooseflesh all over. Has it ever felt this good to just be pressed against another body? Those talented fingers of his reach between us, wrapping around me. While my body is fully onboard with the contact, I’m sorry for it at the same time. I could just kiss him for hours. I can’t seem to stop myself.

His mouth breaks away from mine, coming up with a breathy chuckle. “Did you think I wasn’t going to get you back?”

Grunting, I slide my hips lower; out of his grip. “No. It’s not that…” Pinching my eyes closed to fight back the new pang of arousal, I try to get back to kissing, peppering his collarbone. “I could wait for that forever if I get to kiss you like this.”

Making a map across his torso, I feel the slide of his fingers into my hair. There’s a gentle touch to my arm and then hesqueezes my shoulder. It’s now that I notice the unsteady rise of his chest.

Glancing up, I’m met with an image a thousand miles deep. Lips parted. Eyes longing, and yet, maybe a little scared. It’s the look of an unspoken question, leaving me staring, desperately trying to decipher his silence.

Swallowing, his weighted gaze doesn’t stray. The silky skin of his inner thighs slides against my hips. I had hardly noticed my cock slipped down against his ass when I moved. As he raises his knees, however, it nestles me into the hot fold between the globes of his ass. Like a tiny bead of water working its way down a pane of glass, his fingers glide down my back until they come to rest on my hips. They stop, and then… they press more firmly against me.

Time has been suspended. We stare at each other as though he’s sharing a secret code.

He doesn’t have to say a word.