“I thought you hated the guy? First the furniture, and I didn’t say a word, now puzzles and dinner? Dude, what’s the deal?”
Laughing, I don’t understand his motherly concerns. “I don’t hate him.”
Fuming, he glances behind me like he’s checking to see if anyone in the studio can hear us. It must be something sensitive if he’s bringing his hands up to sign.You freaking kissed me just to get him out of your hair. Not fucking cool, by the way!
I wondered if he was ever going to bring that up. I thought maybe it was so uncomfortable for him that he would never mention it, and I’d be off the hook. Frowning, I go for full sympathy, setting my bag down and walking over to him slowly. Capturing his hand in mine, the look on his face is priceless.
“I’m sorry I’ve neglected you.” Flipping a lock of his long black hair away from his face, I hold back a laugh when he recoils. “Did you want me to takeyouto dinner?”
Hands hit my chest hard, shoving me back. “Fuck off. You’re such a jackass. You know that?”
Snickering, I grab my bag and head for the door again. He’s so easy. Why does he even try to mess with me? I thought we established years ago that I always win.
“I just don’t want to see you get all fucked up again the way you were when you got out of that place.”
That stops my feet like a car boot got strapped to them. Did he really need to go there? What the fuck? It’s just dinner and a puzzle for a guy who’s down on his luck.
Turning back, I refuse to look at him and his stupid bleeding-heart face. He always has my best interests at heart,even when I don’t want him to. Maybe it’s also just too uncomfortable to say the words out loud after all the fuss I made.
I won’t. I don’t hate him. I never did.
“You could have fooled me.”
Craning my head back, I sigh at the ceiling. From the looks of it, his mom left him for good the last time, then Jasper. Who’s had to bear the brunt of his emotional side since then? Thank you very much, you bitches.
“Do you want me to say it?” I mumble, but facing him so he can read my lips. “Cause you’re only going to hear it once.”
“What?” he asks, the epitome of confusion.
Oh, sweet Wolf. This is what he gets for trying to have a heart-to-heart with me.
“He’s not a dick. I was wrong. Okay?”
Is he… having a stroke?
Shit. I just killed my best friend.
His body flinches on a puff of air, though. Good. He’s still breathing. Andnowhe’s fucking smiling like the damnCheshire Cat.
Messing with his hearing aid, he waggles his fingers at me. “Wait. Tell me that again.”
I give him a wave with my middle finger. “Bye,Wolfiekins. Have a good night.”
“Hey!” Aaron’s face lights up as he gets out of my Suburban. I was starting to wonder if my ass was going to fall asleep sitting on this cold ass porch of his. “This is a nice surprise. At least…I hope it is,” he hesitates, walking up the steps. “Is everything all right?”
Car drive okay for you?
Frowning, he watches my hands even after I lower them. Why is it so important to hear my voice? I thought we were over that. I let out enough word vomit with Wolf a little while ago. Sometimes a guy just doesn’t feel like talking.
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s great. I made sure to go under the speed limit.”
Of course he did. Man, this guy cracks me up.
“Don’t you need it, though?” he asks. “It’ll be getting really cold soon. You probably don’t want to be on your bike this late in the year.”
Rising, I ignore the ache in my leg from the chill and lift my bags up with me. “Hungry?”