Page 34 of Silent Is The Heart

No sooner do I get off the phone, not entirely sure of what I signed up for, than Melissa nearly runs smack into me. There’s a notepad from my kitchen and a pen in her hand.

“What do you like on your pizza?”


“Yeah. Easton’s ordering pizzas for lunch.”

Looking through the doorway to my bedroom, I learn the definition of the wordawestruck. The man responsible for upending my day and my residence is taking in his team’s handiwork with a careful eye, as though he wants to ensure everything is perfect. He inches the unwrapped dresser over a few inches and then stands back to check that its placement is symmetrical with the end of my new bed. I watch like I’m in some kind of dream. These aren’t the actions of a guy who hates me or a tatted rogue with a rough exterior.

I wanted to know so badly how he fared after leaving Hampton, and I have my answer. He did just fine, like he said. Whatever road he traveled to get where he is now, he ended up even more endearing than I remember him being.

Melissa clears her throat, reminding me of her request. He stocked my house, and now he’s feeding me and all his friends. Swallowing against the thickness in my throat, a soft laugh bubbles out as I smile at her.

“Of course he is.”



The mystery behind Fro’s moniker doesn’t cease to amuse when Wolf produces a screenshot of an old photo on his phone of the man with a frizzy bush of dark hair sticking up at all ends. Glancing at the now-bald man, I try to compare amidst the cacophony of laughter from his friends at his expense.

Scoffing, he grumbles in front of his beer bottle, “You try taking care of that shit all summer. This is way more low maintenance.”

“He’s failing to mention the gum incident,” Wolf informs me, chuckling as he tucks his phone back into his pocket.

“Oh, come the fuck on,” Fro grumbles. “Not this shit again.”

“There’s ano chewing gumsign on his stall for a reason,” Shannon informs me with a wink where she’s perched on the new coffee table in my living room.

They’re a merry crowd, to be sure. I’ll admit, there was a moment where I wondered if this would turn into some type of kegger when I first saw Fro carting in a case of beer earlier, but no one’s overindulged. Everyone cleaned up after themselves the second they were finished with a drink or a plate. It’s casual and so natural it feels like they’re my own house guests.

The sun has just set, which means it’s nearly dinner time, but there was so much pizza delivered, I have no designsof being hungry again anytime soon. Somehow, it seems ungrateful to be sitting in my camping chair after all the trouble these people went to, but they completely deserve the comfort of the new couch after giving up a day of their life for me.

I still can’t believe everything that came out of Wolf’s van. It was like Santa Claus’ magical sack of presents. I managed to bite my tongue most of the day, keeping myself busy helping Fro put together the entertainment center that appeared along with all the other unnecessary items. While I’m enjoying being surrounded by laughter and the easy merriment of these wonderful people, I haven’t had a chance to speak to Easton since the pizza arrived a few hours ago.

Excusing myself, I head to the kitchen, where I saw him escape moments ago with his empty soda can. One hand resting on my counter, the other clutching the small of his back, he arches his chest, stretching. Eyes closed, the cords in his neck are strained, pulling his face taut. How much anguish has he had to live with because of his past injuries? No young life should have started out the way his did. I can’t believe how much moping I’ve done when what stands before me is clearly a fighter, a silent warrior of this earth. My younger years were basically carefree. I doubt I’d have had the strength to endure what he must have.

“Please tell me you didn’t hurt yourself hauling any of this stuff in here today.”

Straightening, he turns around and leans against my kitchen counter. “No. Tattoo back. Hours spent hunched over every day.”

I hadn’t considered that. Still, it sounds like one more reason he shouldn’t have hauled a furniture store into my house today.

Something slaps the doorframe, giving me a start.

“Yo, Bossman. We’re still supposed to ride back with Wolf, right?” Shannon asks, popping her head into the kitchen.

“Uh, yeah. Thanks.”

“Cool.” She digs a set of keys out of her pocket and slaps them into Easton’s hand. “We’re going to head out then. Melissa’s itching to get home.”

Shaking his head, he chuffs. “Surprise, surprise. Thanks.”

“My pleasure.” Turning to me as she passes, she graces me with one of her perpetually cheery expressions. “Nice to see you again, Aaron. If we dinged any of the walls, I blame Fro.”

“Thank you. This was…incredible of all of you. Seriously. I don’t have the words.”

I follow Easton back to the living room, wondering if I’ll miss getting another word with him. I know he doesn’t want to be thanked, but how can he just up and leave after today without so much as a few minutes of chatter? Maybe it’s my need to give him something in return that has me feeling like something is missing.