Lapping toward the end of the tip, the weight falls off my tongue, leaving the dildo bobbing. Does mine move that much when someone licks it? I didn’t know you had to chase after these things. Tricky little buggers. It’s almost like they have a mind of their own.
I can still feel how the texture felt against my tongue, the way the curve of the underside of the tip brushed against it. It has my skin tingling all the way to my toes.
Why is this so hot, and how did I never know it could be? I officially rescind any post-worry I’ve ever had about anyone who’s gone down on me not enjoying it. There’s no way they didn’t. My body is full of static, like I just licked a battery. I am so glad I have a dick.
Stretching my arm across the mattress, the sheets are cold under my touch. They shouldn’t be, though. Should they? Last night really happened.
Cracking an eye open, the Jesse-shaped indent on my bed is empty. The cabin suddenly feels like a trash compactor, closing in on me. He’s gone.
I knew it. Shit.
Groaning, I bury my face in my pillow. How could I have thought having a jerk session to gay porn with him was a good idea for any reason? Everything keeps going from bad to worse. It’s like someone threw me in a hole, handed me a shovel, and I can’t stop digging.
I touched his cock. What is wrong with me? Of course, he’s never going to look at me the same again.
Hauling myself out of bed takes effort. Tromping to the bathroom, my foggy brain scrambles for ways to salvage our friendship. Should I even try, or is it for the best that Jesse avoids me like I originally intended with my bitter horny plan last night?
Why do I hear a voice in my bathroom?
Who in the hell is he talking to?
Did he just say… he’s going tolicksomeone?
I swing the door open, but nothing could have prepared me for the bizarre fantasy before my eyes. Jesse—on his knees in my shower.Lickingmy wall dildo.
After I finish choking on the glob of lust in my throat that the sight produces, a wave of panic hits me. Does he not realize where that’s been? I mean, I cleaned it, but still…
His gaze slides to mine, going wide, and he jerks back. The sound of his head slamming into the shower wall makes me flinch.
“Ah, shit!” he gasps, wincing.
What in the ever-loving-hell is he doing?
“Um… good morning. I… I was just…”
One hand rubs the back of his head, the other I track as it covers the fly of his boxers. Correction—as it covers the bulge in his boxers. A bulge. Why is there a bulge?
Face bright red, he flashes me a sheepish grin and flicks a thumb at my dildo. I wait, but he seems to be as at a loss for words as I am.
A defeated sigh heaves from his lungs, and he shrugs. “I… wanted to see what it felt like.”
When I still don’t answer, he must think I need clarification. “To… be on the other end.”
I can’t move. Every neuron in my brain is trying to translate his confession.
Did he just say that he wants to know what it’s like to blow someone? How much scotch did I drink last night? I don’t trust myself to believe it, nor do I understand.
“Were you… licking my dick?”
I realize that’s both an accurate and poor choice of words, but I’m lucky I can even speak. Frowning, he shifts uncomfortably on his knees, his face burning a darker shade of crimson.
“Great. You’re going to give me shit about this forever, like the badger thing. Aren’t you?”