“People with OCD are capable of socializing. You know this, right?” I challenge.
“Shit. They’re leaving. Come on.”
Sighing, I follow after him. Maybe I should take a vacation, a real one, not just a weekend getaway to Seattle. I could go somewhere that has an established gay community. Maybe I could meet someone willing to visit Wenatchee now and then. I could visit them in the winter, and we could see if something grows between us.
What would I tell Jesse, though, about me being gone that long?
Pushing through the shop door, I find him on the sidewalk, rocking back on his heels, hands stuffed in his jeans.
“So, what’s next? A walk in the park, or do you want to catch a matinee?” he suggests to Pete and Cameron.
“I was going to take Cam to lunch,” Pete informs him.
‘Cam?’ I thought he said his name was Cameron. Must be a nickname. I’ve never met any of Pete’s friends from the city, but Cam seems nice. He’s got kind eyes. A cute face. He keeps smiling at Pete like he’s a superhero. No wonder Jesse’s jealous. Hell, I’m even jealous.
“Oh, that sounds great!” Jesse enthuses. “I’m starving. How about you, Murph?”
His elbow jabs me in the ribs. Now I’m not just a stepbrother, I’m a marionette who’s supposed to nod. He fucking owes me for this shit. I’m going to make him buy me a case of beer and force him to watch an entire season of ‘Alaskan Outdoor Man.’ He can’t stand it and has no clue that I have a crush on the main character, Silas.
Pete frowns at his suggestion. His hand reaches for Cam’s. He’s… intertwining their fingers. Am I seeing things?
“I was going to take him to lunch…alone,” he clarifies.
Whoa. What the hell?
Pete is straight, or… at least I’ve always thought so.
A blush spreads across Cam’s cheekbones, but I recognize the adoring smile on his face that he flashes Pete. It’s like I’m back in Rouge, watching that couple all over again.
They’rea couple.
I’ll be damned.
Wait. Does Jesse know?
My pulse kicks, glancing over at him. I’ve never seen him around a gay couple. We don’t know any.
The devilry dissolves from his face. He looks speechless, like he’s fresh out of teasing, but also realizes his brother just threw down a warning not to infringe any further on their day.
Swallowing, he nods dumbly. “Uh, o-okay, sure.”
It’s the most maturity I’ve seen him exhibit in a while. Is he cool with Pete dating a guy? His life’s mission is to annoy his brother. Now would be an opportune time to do so. Unless…
Fuck. Is he freaking out?
“It was nice to meet you, Jesse,” Cam says, extending his hand.
Jesse snaps out of his bewilderment and returns Cam’s handshake. “Y-yeah. You, too. Have a safe trip.”
“Pete, nice to see you again,” I offer, doing my best to blanket Jesse’s awkwardness.
“Yeah, Murphy. You, too. Good luck with…him.” Pete gestures, pointing his thumb at my dumbstruck friend.
They load into Pete’s car, leaving me holding my breath for Jesse’s reaction. He’s gaping at them in dumbfounded wonder and doesn’t stop even as they pull away.
“Uh, are you… alright?” I hedge, silently dreading the answer.