Page 69 of The Idiot

He’s so cuddly after he cums. I never imagined him to be a cuddler. Frankly, I didn’t know I was either, but it makes all the other sensations even better.

Fiddling with the collar of his shirt, I want to rut my dick against his thigh since I still haven’t gotten off, but my stomach flutters anxiously over the topic of discussion. “No, I mean… it’sinmy stomach now. All I can think about is thatSea-Monkeysaquarium I got at the fair one summer and them swimming around. They’re… alive. Right?”

Drawing back, he gapes at me. What the heck is that look for? Was I not supposed to swallow? He could have freaking told me!

“What?” I prompt, gripping his shoulder. “Why are you looking at me like that? Now, all I can think about is that guy in the movie ‘Alien’ when the creature rips out of his chest.”

Sputtering, his eyes slam shut. “My load isn’t going to rip out of your chest. You’ll be fine.” Tracing his finger across the crease in my brow, he adds, “But don’t freaking swallow next time if you don’t want to.”

Next time. That’s all I hear, spermy Sea-Monkeys are forgotten.

Smirking, I nudge him as I adjust myself. “I’m pretty good, huh?”

Snorting, his humor evaporates when he glances down to tuck himself away. Giving myself a once over, I can see that I just destroyed this Speedo with my wet spot. Gross.

Reaching out, Murph grabs the price tag on it and yanks. The elastic of the waistband snaps against my hips.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

Crouching down, he holds my shorts out for me to step into them like he wants me to keep the soiled Speedo on. “Uh, I’m not into shoplifting.”

“We’re not shoplifting. I’m going to buy them.”

“I leaked on it,” I whisper, only slightly embarrassed to admit it. “Wouldn’t you rather get a new pair?” He draws my shorts up my legs, anyway. I watch, baffled, as he zips me up. “I brought underwear, you know,” I complain, trying to hold the fly of my shorts away from my wet spot.

But it’s like he can’t hear me. Or maybe he can, because he bends down, snatches up my drawers and shoves them into my pocket.

Advancing on me, he doesn’t stop until my back hits the wall of the dressing room and his chest presses flush against mine. His hand moves mine away from my fly and cups my sensitive cock.

“I don’t want a different pair. I wantthese,” he murmurs with his mouth right in front of mine.

His palm strokes up and then down, quickly saturating my shorts as the spot on the Speedo leaks through. Crap.

I want to be annoyed, but I’m too distracted by the little kiss he places at the corner of my mouth as his thumb traces my swollen lips. My skin is tingling, and I have to close my eyes to keep from going lightheaded. It’s… overwhelming having his face so close to mine.

“C-can we go back to the ship?” I mumble, chasing his thumb with my mouth.

I still haven’t come yet. That’s probably what’s wrong with me. All my blood is in this Speedo.

“Yeah. I think it’s time to teach you how to kiss, but I don’t want to do it here.”

“I know how to kiss,” I say defensively, but as soon as I open my eyes, I stare at his mouth. A thrill shoots through me from the pit of my stomach all the way to my toes.

What is that about? Kisses don’t do that, let alone the mere thought of kissing.

“We’ll see,” he rasps, grabbing my hand and tugging me out the door.

It’s not until we’re back on the ship and he completely disregards my demands to stop by my room so I can change out of my sticky Speedo that I realize we’restillholding hands. His thumb grazes over my knuckles, and he gives me a tug when I slow to glance back at the stairwell that leads to my cabin.

“Quit your whining. I’ll take care of you.”

My feet comply dumbly after that as we head toward his room. Murph ‘willtake care of me.’ I like how that sounds.

He’s always sort of taken care of me in some ways. I know I only get away with half the shit that I do because he lets me. He’s just so… soft under all that gruff; I can’t help it. It feels like a victory each time I get my way. Right now, however, I have to wonder what his definition of taking care of me entails. I think it might mean taking care of me with kisses. The way my pulse is racing, I’m pretty sure it means I’m going to like it.

Why am I surprised? I don’t think there’s anything with Murph I wouldn’t like.