Page 21 of The Devil's Dream

The way they moved together, so in sync and?—


I jumped at Sophia's voice, spinning around to find her in the doorway. The knowing smile on her face had heat rushing to my cheeks.

“Want to walk with me? I need to check on the shop before it opens.”

Grateful for the escape, I nodded.

Hunter fell in step behind us as we headed out the door.

“Can I... can I ask you something?” I twisted my hands together nervously.

“Of course.” Sophia's gentle smile reminded me why she was such a perfect match for Banner's intensity.

“How do you deal with what people think? About the club, about...” I trailed off, unsure how to voice my fears.

“About loving someone society might not approve of?” she finished softly.

I nodded, relief flooding through me that she understood.

“Come inside. Let’s chat.” She unlocked the door and led the way to the office, lowering herself carefully into a chair.

I smiled, watching her hand as she rested it on her growing belly. She was going to make an amazing mother.

“You're worried about being with both of them.”

“Yes. I mean, I've never…” I looked over my shoulder to make sure Hunter wasn’t listening in. Turning back to her, I took a deep breath then admitted, “I’ve never even had a boyfriend before. All of this is new to me. Even so, I know this isn't normal, right? People will talk. They'll think I'm a?—”

“What other people think doesn't matter,” Sophia cut in firmly. “The only thing that matters is what makes you happy. Are you happy when you're with them?”

“Yes,” I whispered, the truth of it hitting me hard. “When I'm with them, everything just feels... right. Like I've found where I belong.”

“Then that's all that matters. Love is love, Nova. It doesn't always fit in society's neat little boxes, but that doesn't make it wrong. Kane and Haze? They're good men. And anyone who matters can see how much they care about you.”

“But what if—” I started, but Sophia shook her head.

“No 'what ifs.' Let me tell you something about love inthislife.”

A biker’s life.

She leaned forward, her gaze intense. “When I first met Banner, I was terrified. Of him, and of what being with him meant. I was a pawn in a chess game men in this life play for power and personal gain. I was the bastard child in a Mafia family.” She snorted, her tone full of derision. “My brother selling me off to a biker was meant as an insult. To me and to Banner. Although I don’t think he realized that at the time. But the joke was on my family, because Banner”—her face softened, the love she felt for her husband shining bright—“he is the best thing that ever happened to me.”

I nodded, understanding completely.

“And you know what else?”

I shook my head.

“The only moments that I have felt truly safe are when I am with him. The world could burn around us, but being the wife of The Butcher… I know that nothing will ever touch me.”

Her words resonated deep in my chest. That's exactly how it felt with Kane and Haze.


“These men protect what's theirs,” Sophia continued. “And, honey, those two? They've claimed you. I've never seen either of them look at anyone the way they look at you.”

Heat bloomed in my cheeks. “It's just... intense. Sometimes, when Kane gives me that look, or when Haze touches me, I feel like I'm drowning.”