Page 12 of The Devil's Dream

“Like what you see, Kitten?” I asked again, my voice rough.

Her eyes dropped to my abs, lingering on the tattoos that disappeared beneath my shorts. When she realized she was staring again, that beautiful blush I loved so much crept up her neck to stain her cheeks.

She started to look away, but I wasn't having that.

“Don't,” I commanded softly. “Never hide your desire from us.”

Behind her, Haze shifted closer, his massive frame casting her in shadow.

The way she instinctively leaned back toward him, seeking his protection, while her eyes remained locked on me, made my cock throb.

She was already responding to us, even if she didn't realize it.

“Have dinner with us tonight,” I insisted, making it clear it wasn't a request.

Her pupils dilated at my tone.

“At our place,” I clarified.

“I...” She glanced over her shoulder at Haze, who gave her an encouraging nod. I could see the internal debate playing across her expressive face. Finally, she whispered the answer I wanted to hear, “Okay.”

“Good girl.” The praise rolled off my tongue naturally, and her sharp intake of breath was exactly the reaction I'd been hoping for. “We'll pick you up at seven.”

Nova nodded again, then practically fled the gym.

The sway of her hips in that flowery dress had both Haze and me tracking her every move until she disappeared from our sight.

“Fuck,” Haze growled, his voice thick with want.

I turned to my best friend, seeing the same hunger in his eyes that I felt burning through my veins. “Tonight?”

He nodded.

The next few hours crawled by at an agonizing pace. I tried to focus on my training. My fight with Mad Dog was coming up fast, and I couldn't afford any distractions. My mind, however, had missed the memo and kept drifting back to Nova.

To those innocent blue eyes. The way she trembled whenever Haze or I got close. How perfectly she'd fit between us.

“Your head's not in it,” Dragon commented after I missed an easy combination for the third time. He steadied the bag, concern etched on his face. “Take a break, man. This isn't like you.”

“Fuck.” I yanked at the tape on my hands, frustration coursing through me.

He was right. I couldn't concentrate worth shit.

Not when I kept imagining Nova's soft curves pressed against me, wondering how it would feel to have her under me.

“Gotta get your head straight, brother.” Dragon's voice was low, tone serious. “This fight with Mad Dog? It's big. Lots of money riding on it.”

I ran a hand through my sweat-soaked hair. “Yeah, I know.” The payout for this fight would help fund the club's expansion plans. I couldn't afford to be distracted. “Pick this back up tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow,” Dragon confirmed. “Get your head straight.”

After a long shower, where I tried unsuccessfully to wash away thoughts of Nova, I headed across town to the brownstone Haze and I called home.

Walking through the front door, I pulled up short. The strong scent of cleaning products hit me first, followed by the sight of Haze meticulously dusting our entertainment center.

I rolled my eyes.

Looked like I wasn’t the only one overthinking shit.