Page 10 of The Devil's Dream

The prospect appeared, looking eager to please. “Yes, sir?”

“Nova needs to be at the shop in twenty. You don't let her out of your sight. Clear?”

“Crystal clear.” Hunter nodded.

The walk across the forecourt to the flower shop was quiet, but my mind was racing.

Everything had changed since finding Haze left for dead behind the flower shop.

The club had closed ranks, pulling me into their circle. I was someone else they felt they had to protect.

But from whom?

The question had replayed through my mind for days, and every time I tried to bring it up to one of the guys, they'd quickly shut me down, claiming it was club business.

It was frustrating. They were fighting an enemy I didn't even understand. And to add to the madness, Kane and Haze had made it their mission to infiltrate my normally quiet life.

“Inside, little girl,” Hunter teased, reaching around me for the door handle.

The bell above the door chimed as we entered, and Sophia's warm smile greeted us.

Banner was standing behind her, his hand resting on the side of her growing belly.

“Nova!” Sophia patted Banner's hand then came around the counter and threw her arms around me.

This was new as well. Growing a baby had made Sophia extra huggy. “I've got the Culver's order all laid out in the back.”

“Gotta handle some shit, Mouse,” Banner rumbled, stalking over and drawing her into his body. She smiled as he lowered his head to place a kiss on her forehead.

I couldn’t help but sigh.

What they had was what every woman wanted.

When he pulled away, the shutters went down, and his gaze swept over to Hunter. “Keep sharp, Prospect. Eyes open.”

“Yes, sir,” Hunter replied, taking up his post by the door.

The rest of the morning passed in a blur of flowers and wedding arrangements.

Rae came down for a few minutes, but Payton was nursing a cold, so she'd mostly been MIA.

“He's watching you again,” Sophia said softly around noon.

I looked up to find Haze standing in the doorway, his massive frame filling the space. The bruises on his face had faded to ayellowish green, but he still moved carefully, favoring his right side.

“Nova.” He crossed the room. “You ate?”

I shook my head, suddenly unable to find my voice. He was so close I could feel the heat from his body.

“Got you something.” He set a paper bag on the counter. “Eat.”

My fingers brushed his as I took the bag, and that familiar spark of electricity shot through me. His deep blue eyes darkened, and for a moment, neither of us moved.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

He grunted in response, but his hand lingered near mine. The moment stretched until Sophia's giggle broke the spell.

“I'll just... give you two a minute,” she said, retreating to the front of the shop.