“Lord have mercy,” I muttered under my breath as my hand went to the gun at my back.
The closer he came, the more handsome he appeared to be. It would really be a crying shame if I had to shoot him.
I glanced to the place that had ‘keep out’ written all over, then back to the sexy giant who looked like he could toss my skinny ass all the way back to the other side of town without breaking a sweat. When a panty-dropping smile crossed his face and I got a look at the dimples on his cheeks, by God I was pretty sure I’d let him.
I fanned my cheeks, damn sure the temperature had risen a good fifty degrees.
“Ma’am?” He grinned, scanning me from the tips of my scuffed cowboy boots to the top of my blonde curly locks.
Snap out of it, Rae. You’re here for a job, not to stare at the biker hottie.
Clearing my throat, I finally spoke, “I’m Rae. I’m here for a job interview.”
His head tipped to the side. He didn’t have a single clue what I was talking about. “The nanny position?” I clarified.
He snapped his fingers as the lightbulb upstairs turned on. “That’s right! Doc said you’d be stopping by. I’m Crow.” He pointed to the patch on his vest that in fact read CROW.
“Follow me and I’ll take you to him.”
Instead of watching his picture-perfect ass like I really wanted, I eyed the razor wire circling the top of the fence as he led me towards the big warehouse. To anyone else this setup might appear daunting, but I grew up with shit like that and knew from experience what its purpose was—deter the Looky Lous.
“What is this place?” I asked, growing more curious about what was behind the big steel door.
“The clubhouse,” he said, lifting a brow like that was obvious.
Clubhouse? Like on that biker show?
I looked to the imposing structure and the way it was secured like Fort Knox, then back at Crow. I’m not sure how I’d missed it.
“Change your mind?” He smirked, holding open the door.
It was a challenge and if I had other options, I’d tell him hell yes, I changed my mind. Unfortunately, I was out of options and needed the job.
So, straightening my spine, I accepted the challenge and crossed the threshold.
My eyes fluttered as I tried to adjust to the dim lighting, and when they did, I was completely blown away.
“Holy shit,” I whispered under my breath. The place wasn’t at all what I expected.
“You’re in luck. Today you get to meet with the Prez’s old lady.” I followed his gaze to the beautiful brunette who was watching us from her seat at the head of a long table. The smile on her face made me think she was friendly, so I smiled back, not wanting to come off as rude.
“This place is wild.” Spinning around the room, I looked from the fully stocked bar lining most of the back wall to the leather couches and recliners that were angled to face a massive TV screen that was hung on the wall.
“It can be at times,” Crow confirmed.
I was still taking it all in when suddenly the back of my neck started to tingle. Turning around completely, I froze as I locked eyes with the scariest looking man I’d ever seen. At further inspection, I noticed the gnarly scar that was slashed across his face.
“Who is that?” I whispered, glancing up at my chaperone. His eyes went to where mine had been and he smirked, before dropping back to me.
“That’s Haze. I don’t think you want to tangle with him, little girl.” Crow laughed. My head went up and down.He didn’t have to worry about that, I had no intention of ‘tangling’ with anyone in a biker vest. The only thing I wanted was to earn enough money to get back on my feet.
A swinging door off to the side opened and out stepped another drop-dead gorgeous man. How many of these guys were there? I wondered as my eyes fell to the plate in his hand then shot around him where I spotted what appeared to be a kitchen area.
The place seemed to have it all.
I tracked his steps as he moved around the bar and off down a long hallway. Embarrassingly, my mind went in a hundred directions as I wondered what was down there. My curiosity always had a way of getting me into trouble.
I’d first pegged this place as a party pad but the more stuff I observed, the more I started to believe this was their home.