“Rae-Rae, did you see me?” Sammy shouted. I could kiss the little guy for saving me from Maria’s inquisitive stare.
“I did! That’s awesome, Sammy! You’re getting so strong.” Just as his little face lit up at the praise, his mother’s voice lashed out from the other side of the playground.
“His name is Samuel!” she snapped, the viciousness in her tone causing Sammy’s face to fall.
I gritted my teeth to stop myself from growling. Would it kill her to give her son an ounce of encouragement? The woman was such a bitch.
It took everything I had to push down the urge to yell out that I was surprised she even remembered he existed. Mrs. B. only acknowledged him when she was around her bougie friends. She treated him like a trophy she could pull off the shelf and parade around, only to put him away when it suited her. It was disgusting.
I’d come close to letting her mean ass have it a few times, but by the grace of the heavens I’d managed to keep my mouth shut. I couldn’t risk losing my job. I had a mound of bills piling up and a roommate that was undependable on the best of days. So, as much as it pained me, I just had to suck it up.
“Yes, Mrs. Bradshaw.” The apology tasted like ash, but I choked it out anyway.
You need the money, Norma Rae. Don’t screw this up.
There was no way I was going back to Tennessee with my tail between my legs. My daddy would love that, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.
"Rae." My eyes squeezed shut.
Seriously? Could I not catch one break?
"Mr. Bradshaw.” I schooled my features as I placed his sleeping daughter into her pram.
Rich people and their fancy strollers.
“We need to discuss your schedule." His eyes darted over to the bench where his wife was holding court with the other moms, then quickly came back to me.
“My schedule?” I asked.
If he fired me, I was screwed. Cassie had already been dropping hints that she was going to be short with her half of the rent. That was her usual not-so-subtle way of letting me know it was going to fall on me to come up with the scratch we needed to keep the lights on.
“Your schedule,” he repeated, closing the distance between us.
I took a step back, immediately realizing my mistake. I’d positioned us behind the rock wall and out of view of everyone in the park.
“Please, Mr. Bradshaw...” I started, but the plea died on my lips when his hand landed heavily on my backside and squeezed.
“I’ve been watching you, Rae. A pretty girl like you in a big city like this.” He smirked. “I could make things easier for you, you know? For a price of course.” The words slithered out of his mouth, showing exactly the kind of snake he really was.
My eyes narrowed. I wasn’t a whore.
“Get. Your. Hands. Off. Me,” I growled through clenched teeth.
“Or what?” he sneered.
“Or this!” I seethed, hearing my daddy’s instructions clear as a bell.
Hit first, hit hard.
Muscle memory took over; my daddy’s training flipped on like a switch.
Mr. Bradshaw’s eyes widened when I pivoted on my left foot, putting space between us. With fury raging in my veins, I swung my fist as hard as I could. It connected with his jaw with a loud thud. I didn’t stop there. I couldn’t.
Before he could fully recover, I hit him again with a right cross and sent him staggering back on his feet.
I shook out my hand as pain radiated from my knuckles. It hurt, but there was no way I’d let him see.