Crash. I hit my mark, the red and yellow glass exploding on impact.
“You stupid bitch.” Shoving Sophia away with a grunt, he turned and came for me.
“Run, Sophia,” I shouted, grabbing a heavier vase and tossing it at his head.
Marshall lunged at me as Davidson moved in behind me, but I weaved between them, trying to put distance between us.
“Oh, baby. I like it when they fight back.” The hair on the back of my neck stood on end.
“Fuck you,” I snarled, anger bubbling up.
They moved again, that time in sync. Davidson’s arms came around me from behind and he lifted me off my feet as Marshall’s fist connected with the side of my head.
“Gotcha now, bitch,” was growled in my ear.
“Stop!” Sophia screamed.
Lifting my feet, I kicked out, my shoes connecting with Marshall’s chest and sending him tumbling backwards. Using the momentum, I flung my head back into Davidson’s nose. His arms dropped, hands instinctively going to his face, and I barely got my footing when he dropped me to the ground.
“I’m going to fucking kill you,” he snarled as Marshall’s hand grabbed me by the back of the head.
“Get off!” My words came out half-growl, half-scream, a second before his heavy fist connected with my cheek and stars exploded across my vision.
Holy fuck.
I struggled to breathe as my vision pieced itself back together.
“Rae!” Sophia shouted; the sound muffled by the ringing in my ears.
Staggering over with blood dripping from his nose, Davidson grinned as he pulled back and nailed me in the gut. “I’m going to enjoy breaking you.”
White light flashed behind my eyes from the pain. Fuck, he was strong.
He pulled his arm back again and froze when the rumble of bikes, lots of them, thundered in our direction.
Davidson’s eyes flickered with uncertainty, then widened with fear.
“Shit, they're here!” Just as quickly as the fight had started, it was over, and the cowards were gone.
Sophia dashed across the room and dropped down beside me. “Are you okay, Rae.”
“Fine,” I hissed, leaning back and carefully sliding down the wall onto my bottom. I felt the blood dripping down my cheek as I looked around her. “Is Payton okay?”
“She’s fine.” Nova’s voice cut through the haze.
“Good,” I wheezed, dropping my head onto my lifted knees. The adrenaline was wearing off and I felt exhausted.
I lifted my head as the door burst open and Banner stormed inside with a sea of bikers flooding in behind him. His worried eyes landed on his wife. “Sophia!”
“Banner!” she shouted back, relief thick in her voice. At that moment I saw what she’d been trying to tell me. The Devils Creed were good men who cared about their families. Her husband included.
On paper, a mafia princess and the president of a biker club didn’t make sense. But there was more to him than just that. He was a husband who adored his wife, and she was a woman in love. It was as simple as that.
“I’m okay,” she said softly as Banner bulldozed through the crowd, his focus only for her.
“Baby,” he rasped as he knelt down in front of her. He lifted his hands, settling them on her belly, and her eyes closed.
“Oh my God,” I breathed. How could I have forgotten she was pregnant?