Business would wait.
Chapter 8
A Few Days Later
“Thank God.” I knew I was being dramatic, but I was glad to be home. After days of having loud music vibrate through the walls, women strutting around half naked, and the smell of cigarette smoke lingering in the air, I’d had enough.
I unzipped Payton’s bag and dumped everything into her hamper. It all reeked of smoke and needed to be washed.
“It wasn’t all bad.” Ghost laughed, fitting himself at my back.
“No, it wasn’t,” I agreed, leaning back into his chest. His arms snaked around my middle. My head fell to the side when his lips skimmed along my neck. The man had a way of turning me into putty.
“Bishop,” I breathed. We had spent a lot of time getting to know each other better in the biblical sense, but we there was still so much more I wanted to know about him.
“Something else bothering you, baby?” His arms tightened before letting me go.
“No.” That was a lie, but I wasn’t sure how to address what was happening between us. Things were moving fast. We’d had a lot of sex, but there was more to building a relationship than just that.
“If you say so,” he scoffed. “Look, I gotta go take care of some shit. I'll be back later.”
I sighed. “Okay.” I knew he had business he was itching to get to, and it was unfair of me to monopolize his time. He’d given me and Payton his undivided attention the last few days.
Ghost spun me around and planted a soft kiss on my lips. “You gonna be my good girl, Rae?”
My cheeks heated. He knew what he was doing to me. I nodded my head.
“Give me the words,” he growled, smoothing his hands around my waist and squeezing my bottom.
“I’m your good girl.” My panties were soaked.
Payton whimpered in the crib behind us and the bubble burst.
“We’ll finish this later.” Ghost kissed my lips, moved to her crib and planted a kiss on her head, then disappeared out the door.
“He gets the name, honest.” I sighed, moving to the crib, and lifting my baby girl out. “Okay, little one. Let's get you fed and changed and go downstairs and see if Auntie Nova and Auntie Sophia are in the shop, okay? How does that sound?”
Payton stared up at me with wide eyes, lips curving into an 'o' as a spit bubble formed. I couldn’t help but smile as I went about getting her ready. With a bottle and spare diaper, we wandered downstairs and into Sophia’s Blooms.
“Rae, honey, you made it out of that loft!” Nova said, rushing over and plucking Payton from my hands. I wasn’t sure of their history, but it was clear to see she had a bond with the baby girl.
“Ghost had to take care of some stuff and I didn’t feel like being alone,” I admitted, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
Sophia chuckled. “Plants are easier company, aren't they? Just water them and give them a bit of sun.” Sophia had to be the sweetest thing I’d ever met, with her soft voice and gentle nature. She was nothing like her husband. Truthfully, he scared me. He had a dark and intimidating energy about him. I didn’t understand how they fit together, but Ghost assured me they were perfect for each other. Something I’d been surprised to hear him say. They say opposites attract, and those two were proof.
“I guess so.” I shrugged, watching as Nova swayed Payton, humming a tune I couldn't quite make out.
“So…” Nova’s eyes lit up. “What’s going on with you and Ghost?” She shifted Payton in her arms, settling her on her hip.
I chewed on my lip, feeling some level of anxiety. “I’m not exactly sure.” My fingers traced the edge of the chair, the rough fabric snagging against my skin.
“Well, it seems like he's got a claim on you, or that's the word around the clubhouse.” Her brow furrowed as she watched me, waiting for something more. “So, what's the problem?”
“Everything’s happened at warp speed and my head is spinning. That’s the problem.” Surely, I wasn’t the only one who thought it was crazy for a man to claim a woman as his, after just meeting her. “How’d you do it, Sophia?”
She laughed. “I didn’t have a choice. I was an Angelini.”