Watching the woman stand her ground was hot.
“Ghost,” Daisy whined, pouting out her lip.
“Knock it off, Daisy,” I snapped. Enough was enough.
As shitty as it was, she was nothing but a warm hole when I had an itch that needed scratching.
I wasn’t her man, and she wasn’t my girl. All the bunnies knew the score.
Rae snorted as her gaze slid from Daisy to me like she was weighing the situation.
“Rae,” I started, unsure why I cared what she thought about me.
She didn't say a word, just stared at me, her silence louder than any bitch-fit Daisy might've thrown.
Payton chose that moment to cry out, grabbing Rae’s attention. In a flash, she dropped to her haunches, unfastened Payton from her seat, and scooped my daughter up with a practiced ease that did funny things to my insides.
“I need to feed and change her," she said, jumping straight into nanny mode as she snuggled Payton into her chest.
“I can take her,” Pop offered, jerking his chin toward the hall.
“Thanks, Pop,” she glanced at me with a look of disgust on her face, “but I can handle it.” Rae was all business as she shifted Payton against her chest.
I stood there, feet stuck to the concrete floor, as I watched them go. Emotions I’d not expected reared up inside me as I fought the urge to follow Rae down the hall and explain that Daisy wasn’t a threat.
“Fuck.” I sighed.
“You’re fucked.” Kane laughed.
“Don’t I fucking know it,” I growled.
One by one, my brothers came over and slapped me on the back as shouts rang out in celebration of my release.
“Glad you’re out, Bro,” Banner said, the last to come over. He looked me over, no doubt cataloging every scrape, cut, and bruise. “Gonna tell me about that?”
“Later. I need to get my girls settled first.”
Banner’s eyes shot open. “Your girls?”
“Don’t fucking start,” I clipped, storming off. His chuckle trailed behind me as I prowled down the hall Rae and Payton had disappeared down.
“Damn, who's the new piece?” Tank slurred, as I walked by.
Heads swiveled, staring at the closed door Rae must have disappeared behind.
“Easy,” I barked, my hands clenching. “That's my daughter’s nanny.”
Seemed Rae wasn’t the only one who was acting jealous. I didn’t have a right to lay down a claim but fuck it. I wasn’t about to let one of my brothers get in there.
“Shit, Ghost, didn't realize you were out.”
“Keep your fuckin' eyes to yourself.” It came out harsher than I intended, but shit, I didn't want them looking at her.
“Ghost's got himself a little crush,” Kane teased, elbow nudging my side.
"Fuck off," I spat, stepping away from the crew.
I was a grown fucking man. I didn’t have a crush. It was... hell, I didn't know what the fuck it was.