Page 15 of Ghost

She was coiled for a fight, and I was ready to pounce.



I was just on the brink of sleep after struggling to get Payton to go down for the night when I heard something out of place. I’d just barely caught it, but it was enough for my eyes to shoot open and me to instantly become wide awake.

Was someone here?

Heart racing, I closed my eyes and held perfectly still as I listened closely.

There it was again—a thud, a curse, then a scratching sound coming from the side door downstairs.

What the hell?

Someone was off their rocker, breaking into a Devils Creed home, especially with a clubhouse full of bikers just on the other side of the lot.

Hearing another noise confirmed my fears—someone was downstairs.

As quiet as a mouse, I climbed out of bed, swept my shorts from the floor, yanked them up my legs, then moved to the nightstand for my phone, only to come up empty-handed.

Shit! Shit, shit, SHIT!

Of all the nights to have left my damn phone downstairs. I shook my head. There wasn’t time to cry over the shoulda, coulda, wouldas.

I had to protect my girl.

Moving quietly, I rushed toward the dresser where I’d stashed my gun. Pop had been adamant I wouldn’t need it, but my daddy drilled it in my head that a girl could never be too careful when it came to her safety.

That was one of the few things we agreed on.

So, with steady hands, I removed the revolver from the drawer, then padded across the room on my tiptoes and slunk down the hall towards Payton’s room. Once inside, I peeked over the crib railing. My hand went to her chest to feel her breathing. My precious girl was sound asleep.

“I’ll keep you safe,” I vowed.

In the short amount of time the sleeping beauty had been in my care, I’d grown fiercely protective of her. Maybe it was because her mother had disappeared, or because her father was ‘away’.

Whatever the reason, Payton St. James had wormed her way into my heart, and I would die before I let anything happen to her. With a quick request to the man up above to keep her safe, I moved back into the hall and pulled her door closed behind me.


My ears perked up at the curse coming from outside.

That sounded like a man.

Moving quickly, I jogged down the steps, being mindful to stay in the shadows.

Just as I hit the bottom stair, I heard the side door to the kitchen hit the wall.

I swallowed thickly. Someone’s inside.

Taking the last two steps, I cringed as the last creaked under my weight, telegraphing my location.

Shit, shit, SHIT!

Inhaling quietly, I kept moving closer. I had to put as much distance between the intruder and Payton as possible.

Her safety was the only thing that mattered.