“Thank you. I appreciate it.” My stomach chose that moment to growl, but I don’t think he heard it. Thank goodness, that would have been embarrassing.
“The bedrooms are upstairs,” he continued as he led me up a set of wooden stairs. When we hit the top, I saw there were three doors. Pop opened the first one revealing a perfectly made bed and a single dresser. “This one's you.” It was simple, bare bones, but better than what I had.
“There’s a nice view from up here,” he said, pulling back the heavy curtains.
I moved closer, in awe at the morning sky. I hadn’t seen a view so pretty in a while. With the club being on the outskirts of the city, the sky wasn’t hidden by the skyscrapers.
“Come on. I’ll show you the rest of this place and get out of your hair.” I trailed behind him to the next door.
“That’s Ghost's room.” Pop pointed to the cracked door at the end of the hall. “And this is Payton’s.”
When he opened her door and we stepped inside, the last thing I expected to see was a princess’s paradise. The room was a soft pink with a mural of a castle painted on the wall. The furniture was a beautiful antique white. Everything looked soft and inviting. There was no denying that whoever decorated this room did so with thought and care. The little girl who slept there was clearly loved.
“When will I meet Paton and her parents?” It was a little strange they weren’t the ones giving me the tour of their home. Although, I had noticed the only photos in the house were the ones of Payton.
Pop rubbed at the back of his head as a look passed over his face. “Her mother isn’t in the picture and my son is—” He squinted his eye as if looking for the right answer. Weird. “Uh, he had to go away for a little while.”
“Away,” I repeated, wondering why the lie. “And Payton?” Other than the photos, I still hadn’t seen hide nor hair of the infant that was going to be in my care.
“Nova, that’s Sophia’s friend,” he clarified, “will be bringing her home in a few hours. With this being a live-in position, we figured you’d need time to move some of your stuff in.”
“This is all I have.” I lifted my shoulder, indicating the backpack I had with me.
“That’s all the shit you got?” he asked, eyeing the bag curiously.
“It’s a long story.” I shrugged. I would have had more but I wasn’t about to tell him my thieving roommate stole all my shit.
The last thing I wanted from anyone was pity. I started with nothing when I got to the city, and I could do it again.
“I’ll have the girls round up some extra shit and drop it by.” I opened my mouth to protest but he lifted a hand and cut me off. “I won’t hear nothing else about it.”
With those parting words, he turned on his big, booted feet, jogged down the steps, and left me standing there speechless.
What the hell just happened?
One Month Later
The steel of the cot beneath me only added to the pain piercing through my back as I labored for breath. I was no doctor, but I was positive that motherfucker broke my ribs. It was the third time that month I’d been stuck in the infirmary.
“Motherfucker,” I groaned, trying to get comfortable.
I had to get the fuck out of the infirmary. Between the strong scent of bleach and the flickering florescent lights that ran along the ceiling, I was on the verge of losing my fucking mind. I’d give anything to hurry my court date along so I could go home. Bianchi swore he was working as fast as he could, but he was going to have to do better.
I turned my head towards the door when the sound of keys jingling from the other side, followed by the heavy clunk of the lock being turned, caught my attention. Clenching my fists, I held my breath and rolled onto my side. As much as I wished I could brace fully for what might stroll in, I didn’t have much left in the take. I was fucking beat—literally.
I held my breath when the door was thrown open and let it out in a whoosh when it was my father who came storming through.
My eyes closed in relief.
Thank fuck.
As much as I hated my Pop having to see me like that, it had been over a month since I’d seen a friendly face. Although, in that moment he looked like he was about to flip his fucking lid.
His eyes moved swiftly across my body, no doubt taking in every inch of black and blue flesh. “What the fuck?” he shouted.